Ch. 37 - Taken

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By the time the game was over Rachel had gotten to know Cain's Mom, Dad, and sisters really well. They were all so nice and friendly and so happy to meet her. His Mom's words played over in her mind. She expected her and Cain to be engaged within six months. Just the thought of him proposing made a smile stay on her face for most of the game.   

The game had gone really well and the Minnesota Wild had won seven to two, with four of Minnesota's goals scored by Cain. Afterwards her and Spencer walked down to the tunnel outside of the locker room with his family to wait for him to come out. There were a lot of fans and media out there waiting too. 

The locker room door opened and some other hockey players came out and started shaking hands, signing autographs and taking pictures with people. Finally Cain came out and everyone started shouting his name, reporters were asking him questions and fans were asking to take pictures of him. 

"Hold on guys. I'll come back to you. I've just gotta do something real quick first," he said, making his way through the crowd over to Rachel. She looked up into his grey eyes and he smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her right there in front of everyone. Then he hugged her to his chest and said, "Man I missed you so much." 

She laid her head against his chest as she hugged around his waist and said, "I missed you too." 

He let go and then hugged his Mom, Dad, his sisters and Spencer. 

"I have to go do some P.R. stuff with the fans and media for a bit. I'm required to. It's actually in my contract but wait for me over in that sitting area and we'll all go out to eat together after this." 

He gave Rachel one more quick kiss and whispered, "I love you," before walking back over to the reporters. 

She went and sat down in the sitting area with his family and Spencer but she couldn't focus on their conversation because they were close enough to hear Cain's interview and that had her attention. 

"Cain Reed. So you're new to the Wild team and you're doing REALLY well so far this season, but this was your best game yet. Can you tell us what was motivating you out there?" the beautiful female reporter asked, shooting him a flirty smile. She had long blonde hair that was curled and a tight, short black skirt and a white blouse that was unbuttoned low enough to see her cleavage. 

Cain looked over at the reporter and smiled. "My girlfriend and her brother actually came here tonight to surprise me. It's the first NHL game of mine they've been able to see so when I saw them in the stands I just got fired up and wanted to do really well." 

"Awww. You have a girlfriend? That's sad news. You hear that ladies? Cain Reed's already taken," she said sadly, sticking out her bottom lip. 

"Yeah," Cain said, glancing over at Rachel as a smile formed on his lips. "I'm very taken."

"Hearts all over the U.S. are breaking right now," the reporter teased with a smile. "She's a lucky woman."

After his interview was over with her he had to do two more interviews and then there was a line of fans waiting for pictures and autographs with him. After what seemed like forever Cain was finally done and he walked over to them and said, "Ok. We can go now." 

He slipped his hand into Rachel's and bent down, giving her a kiss on the lips as they walked outside towards his car that was parked close to his parent's rental car. Spencer rode over to the restaurant with Rachel and Cain. 

"I can't believe you guys didn't tell me you were coming," Cain laughed. "And I can't believe Coach actually let you get away for a night with only a week until Nationals."

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