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"Next time we'll take it slow, I promise," he said, and then he laughed because he knew with Allison, that wasn't possible.

He leaned up and took her hand in his. "I've been thinking. . . ."

She waited, and when he didn't continue, she said, "Yes?"


He looked pensive. What was going on in his mind? "You said you've been thinking."

"That's right. I've been thinking you'll want me to come home to you every night."

She smiled. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do expect you to come home to me."

He was searching for the right words, feeling awkward and unsure, which was completely foreign to him. But he wanted it to be right, and he had to get it said now.

"And I'm thinking you'll want to sleep in my bed every night, so it should probably be our bed."

"You're right again. Liam, what are you trying to say?"

He shrugged. "I'm thinking we should probably get married."

"Yes, we should."

He grinned. "Okay, since you asked, I'll marry you."

"I did not ask you-"

"Sure, you did. Just now."

"I should warn you, it's not going to be normal."

"Sex or our marriage?"

"Our marriage."

"I didn't expect it would be."

"I'm not normal," she whispered. "You need to know that."

"Sweetheart, I figured that out five minutes after I met you. You're far superior to normal."

Her eyes filled with tears. "That's the sweetest thing you could have said to me. What's the matter with you?"

"I love you. That's what's the matter."

She cuddled up against him and closed her eyes.

He gently stroked her hair with his fingertips. "I guess we should start looking for a townhouse somewhere in Silicon Valley."

"About that . . ."


"I'm thinking we should live here in Boston."

"Yeah? With the new job, living here would be perfect for me," he admitted.

"I'll still take on the boys," she said. "As soon as I'm finished with my newest weapon, they'll all want it. The FBI gets it first, though."

"Will you set up your company in our home, then?"

"About that . . ."

She sounded so earnest he braced for the next announcement. "Yes?"

"I'd like to keep working for Phillips."

"You're serious?"

"Go ahead and laugh. I know you want to."

He did exactly that. Once he calmed down, she explained that she was still going to run her company with Jordan. "Please don't tell Phillips."

"He's going to notice when you keep coming to work."

"He's going to gloat."

"Yes, he will."

"The working conditions will have to change, of course. I'm only going to be available part-time. And I don't want him pointing to the chair any longer. It's just plain rude."

"He loves pointing. You're going to take that away from him?"

She sighed. "Okay, I'll let him point to the chair."

"You're such a pushover," he laughed.

"Hey!" She jabbed his shoulder with her finger.

Liam grabbed her hand and kissed it. "When will you tell Charlotte you're going to stay in Boston?"

"About that . . ."

"You want me to tell her."

"I'll tell her we're getting married first, and then I'll slip in that we're staying in Boston. I'll probably blame you."

"That's fine with me. Are you going to tell her you finally confronted your aunt and uncle and really let them have it?"

"Probably," she said. "Letting them have it didn't seem to do any good. They're both still calling. Uncle Russell is always drunk and always shouting."

"You've done enough," he said. "I'm begging you. Let me have a turn. I can get them to stop. I promise."

"Sure. Why not? Take a turn. Then they can start calling your number."

"No, they won't," he said with complete confidence.

"You mentioned with your promotion you can take a step back and let other agents you've trained handle more of the work."

"That's right."

She raised herself up on her elbow and propped her chin in her hand so she could stare into his amazing green eyes. "And exactly what is that work?"

He answered, "Maybe someday when we're old and gray, and we're rocking on the front porch watching our grandchildren, I'll tell you all about it."

She kissed him on the cheek and laid her head back down on his chest. For the first time in her life, she knew how it felt to love and be loved.

"Sounds good to me," she whispered.

The end.

 So, my dear readers, it's time to wrap this up....

This book ends here.

Next Book: Villain
(The cold-hearted person can also be loved and shower affection to the right person)

Do read it next and tell me your views about this book. 

Motivations and comments are most welcome. 

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Bye-bye Lovelies ...

Also, e-mail me about anything in particular at ujalayadav965034

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