The Witch

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I walk in the living room mid argument as Elijah walks in

"Elijah's home" Rebekah sighs "There's only one dagger. Which one of us will you be punishing today?"

"I contemplated a game of eenie-meenie-miney-moe. You betrayed me. My own sister"

"Niklaus, don't you dare" Elijah yells

Klaus points the dagger at Elijah "Perhaps it should be you, brother! Stealing my child away from every fawning moment of tenderness you show Hayley"

I snort in laughter making them all look at me

"What are you laughing at" Rebekah asks eyes narrowing at me

a smirk plays out on my face "I vote Rebekah because she's a bitch and you should make Elijah stay away from Hayley because it would be funny"

Klaus's frown lifts some "You know what the last part is an excellent idea. Hayley and Samael are coming with me and you two are going to stay here and rot"

with a shrug I follow him out the door


Klaus is keeping a close eye on me now and it is terrifying. With all the sneering and growling at me.

He has Hayley on one side of the table and me on the other

Klaus raises his glass "To my city, my home again. May the blood never cease to flow..."

Marcel lifts his glass "And the party never end"

another guy lifts a glass "To New Orleans"

"New Orleans" Almost everyone says

then they all drink

"I understand that some of you may have questions regarding the recent change in leadership, and I invited you here tonight to assure you that you are not defeated. No, my intentions moving forward are to celebrate what we have. What Marcel, in fact, took and built for this true community of vampires"

"What about them" the dude asks pointing at us "The wolves"

"Had you'd let me finish, Diego, you would know that there is, of course, one further matter I would like to address" he smirks at us both "As many of you know, the girl is carrying my child. Consequently, I trust you will all pay her the appropriate respect. However, I understand that something you are concerned by this vicious rumor that I intend to use the blood of our child to create hybrids. I assure you I do not"

"Father of the year" Hayley smirks

"And him" the dude asks again

"He is my ward" Klaus says "do not worry about him. He's only six don't tell me you're afraid of him"

I smirk at the man

"NO" he snaps

Klaus sighs sitting down "It appears I will have to earn your trust. Very well. We'll eliminate the root of your anxiety. You see, how I can sire any hybrids if there are no more werewolves alive in the Bayou to turn?"

oh, good choice dad

"What?" Hayley yells outraged "Klaus, no!"

he of course ignores Hayley "So-- eat, drink, and be merry. And, tomorrow, I suggest you have yourselves a little wolf hunt. Go ahead, have fun. Kill them all"

damn Klaus go get them


While Klaus was speaking to his adoptive son, Marcel, and his therapist, Cami, I snuck out

after getting a lot of cheese fries I start walking around

some fucking lady stops in front of me while I was walking

"What is a little guy like you doing out here alone"

oh this is going to be fun

"I lost my daddy" I whimper "Some man gave me French fries wit cheese"

her face becomes sad "Well, let's retrace your steps"

taking her hand I lead her down an abandoned rode and we stop in front of a church.

"A church?" she asks

I nod with a smile "He was inside but then disappeared"

we go inside where I let my nail turns into claws and I rip her stomach out

looking up there's a girl about fifteen or sixteen staring at the dead body

"It's Tuesday" I say "No one is suppose to be here"

she looks at the body and then at me "You're six"

"Why does a murder have to be a certain age?" I question "Why can't I be a kid?"

she blinks at me "Who are you anyway?"

"Samael Mikaelson"

she growns "Let me guess you're one of Klaus's many siblings"

why does everyone think that

"Son actually" I smile "Who are you?"


"The witch that's moving in" I cut off "Could you do me a favor? Could you not tell anyone you saw this"

her hand goes to her hips "Why would I do that?"

I pout at her "Because I asked you"

her eyes narrow at me then look at the body

"Fine, what do you want" I sigh "Anything"

"Spells" she says "I want spells"

I chuckle "That's it? Okay, I can do that. Come on then lets go to the compound"


we walk into the Garage of the compound

I stop Davina "Smells like Josh"

"You know Josh?" she asks like I don't ever get out of the house "Come out Josh we can sense you"

the man walks out from a car "I heard you're moving in"

I smirk "I thought you would be long gone by now"

"I would be but I'm stuck here until dark" Josh sighs "See you met the little devil"

"He murdered someone in a church" Davina points out

Josh laughs "First time I met him he gave me torturing advice"

Davina and Josh hug

"First spell" I smirk "the vampire ring one"

I run into the house and head to the library

"What you doing" Hayley asks from her seat

I hold up the grimoire


then I run back to the garage

Hayley follows me

"What's going on" she asks once she sees us in the garage together

opening the grimoire I put a ring thing in Josh's hands

"This is the spell" Josh asks

Davina starts doing the spell and then I push Josh in the sun

he screams like a bitch but doesn't burn

with that I close the grimoire and go back in the compound

I'm your kid too, father Where stories live. Discover now