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A sudden voice spoke amidst the heated debate. Everyone turned their heads to see the face of the person who has spoken those outrageous words. But when they saw who it was all of them shut their mouths.
Long light blue hair, glossy and wavy. Violet eyes fanned by long lashes. With a red petal mark on his neck. Everyone knew who he was.

Xiao Ming frowned. "Sheng Yan what do you mean? Its clear as day that Lord Mao has indeed tried to sully Yue Ling's body."

Nulis was dumbfounded by how partial this world was towards this damn white lotus. He saw his partner walking over as he spoke, his voice loud and clear.
"An offence Such sexual harassment cannot be taken lightly. For this matter, before drawing any conclusion its important to hear the complete story of both the parties."

Ivar stared at the crowd of people. "Did anyone asked Lord Mao or gave him the chance to explain what exactly happened? Or did any of you saw the entire thing from the start to the end with your own eyes? Or did Yue Ling say that Lord Mao was sexually harassing him?"

The love interests frowned at his words. How dare this ger! How dare he try to sully their angel's purity.

Ivar then dropped the bomb. "Who were the first people to arrive here?"

The crowd looked at each other.

"It was us." Spoke somone. They raised their hand. It was a group of three people. Two girls and one boy.

Ivar faked a pause. He then asked them. "What exactly was the scene when you three arrived here?"

The three looked at each other before speaking.
"When we were walking by we saw Yue Ling fall into Lord Mao's arms. Lord Mao was encircling one of his arm on Yue Ling's back."


The boy continued to reply. "It seemed Yue Ling tripped on his leg. And Lord Mao prevented him from falling onto the ground."

Evryone began whispering.

Ivar kept a very serious expression on his face. He then emphasized his next words louder. "You mean Lord Mao didn't pull Yue ling towards himself but it was Yue Ling who tripped on his leg and lord Mao who happened to be near him saved him from the fall?"

The three people glanced at each other, their faces confused as they replied slowly.
"'s what happened when we saw it."

The head master and the teachers were taken aback. Turning to Yue ling the head master asked. "Yue Ling, is it true that you tripped and Lord Mao helped you?"

Yue Ling blushed hard as he replied shyly, scratching his nape. "Ye...yes...Lord Mao helped me from hitting the ground."

Ivar snorted at this rotten white lotus. Thanks to him it was going to be easier for him to instigate his plan.
"Yue Ling if that was the case then why didn't you say so? You should have spoken up for the person who saved you from falling down?"

Yue Ling was surprised when Sheng Yan threw that question at him. He found that everyone was staring at him, their gazes locked onto him. He blushed even harder as he hid behind Xiao Ming's body.

Ivar paid him no heed. His target today was the crowd not that white lotus.
"Then how come you guys were accusing Lord Mao of such a heinous crime?"

Everybody froze. They looked at each other. Everyone displayed the sudden confusion they were going through. Right. How did they suddenly started to accuse Lord Mao of sexual assaulting their angel? They looked at each other.