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t h i r t y - o n e

"FOR THOSE OF YOU swimming today, it will be one of the most important meets you will be competing in," Mr Jeffries said, even more gruff and serious than usual. "Especially for the year thirteens. It'll be the last national competition you'll swim with Woodway and your last opportunity to make a good impression for yourself if you want to take your swimming to the next level. We have plenty of scouts coming to watch today, some with specific people in mind."

He didn't specify who was being scouted out for individually, but he didn't need to. Mr Jeffries had already pulled aside those on the team who had managed to garner attention from scouts over the last year to inform them privately. Not that had been much point in keeping it private; gossip travelled quickly and it was only a matter of hours before everyone on the team knew who exactly was being scouted. Oliver had been pleasantly surprised that a couple were here for him — he had never really considered continuing swimming after high school, not beyond joining his university's team. He loved to swim but he didn't have the dedication or passion to take it to a more competitive level.

Along with Charlie and Kessy, Reed also had scouts coming for him, far more than anyone else on the team. At least half of them seemed to be here to watch him. Not that Oliver knew any of this from Reed — the two of them still weren't talking, their self-proclaimed Cold War stretching on for two weeks now. The ignoring only got harder with each passing day but as frustrated as Oliver was by it, as fed-up of not talking to Reed, his stubbornness still held out. Oliver glanced at Reed now as Mr Jeffries kept up his pep talk that was more terrifying than inspiring. They didn't need to be talking for Oliver to tell he was stressed.

There were shadows under his eyes, signs of sleepless nights, and he'd bitten his nails down to the quick in a way he only did when especially anxious. He knew, from Adam, that Reed was coming in early most days and staying late after school even when they didn't have practice to swim. For Oliver, this competition was nothing more than a chance to swim, a little nerve-wracking but fun. The consequences of doing badly were nothing more disappointment. For Reed, it was the culmination of everything he worked so hard for over the past seventeen years. If he did well, and the scouts liked him, he would be invited to take part in the National Summer Meet, championships that would put his name out there with the other top swimmers in the country.

Qualifying for the British Summer Championships would be the next step to put his name out there with other top swimmers in the country. It would open the door to specialised training with the best coaches and representing England at international meets and would put him on the right track for the Olympics to be a possibility in the future.

Oliver knew all of this because it had been Reed's dream for so long and so much of it was riding on his performance today. As if sensing eyes on him, Reed looked over, too distracted to even remember to glare at Oliver as he had made a habit of doing anytime they made eye contact. He was making a valiant attempt at appearing calm but Oliver knew him too well not to recognise the flicker of panic in his pale eyes, to know he was slowly clenching and unclenching his fingers to stop them trembling. Oliver wanted nothing more than to go over to him, fuck whatever stupid thing they were arguing over and fuck Reed going back to Bailey. Fuck pride and stubbornness. Oliver should be there for him for this.

The arrival of the other teams distracted him from this line of thought. Spectators had started trickling in a long time ago, families and friends and scouts blended into the mix filling up the stands surrounding the pool, but the competing teams brought with them a nervous energy and tension. It was as important of a day for them as any of the Woodway students, and Oliver was sure more than a few scouts were here for them too. Oliver spotted Hampstead easily enough, Ife striding ahead as she led to them their designated part of the poolside. Marcie offered him a wave as she passed. Finley winked at him and extended the same courtesy to Reed, who stiffened with a scowl.

just dive in [reed bishop spin-off] ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora