Chapter 4

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3rd POV
2 hour time skip, 10 am

Inko and Izuku had been walking for hours. It was so tiring and they were starting to get hungry, not to mention they were incredibly sore from sleeping on the cold hard ground with only a blanket the previous night.

Inko's phone had died a while ago so she didn't have any sort of map.

They were lost.

They both had no idea where they were or how to get back to the supermarket where their blankets were, and it would be a horrible night for the two. It was raining.

"Mommy? I'm kinda hungry. Do we have food?" The green haired boy asked. His mother began to search her coat pockets.

"I'm sorry hun, you'll have to wait a little longer ok?" His mother replied.

"Try to look on the ground for change and money that fell"

Izuku did as he was told and began to walk with his head down, eyes scanning the road for any sort of money.

He looked towards a bench, and there was a 1 dollar bill underneath. (Just gonna use American currency for this story even though they're Japanese.)

"Mommy mommy look! Money!" Izuku called out while running towards the dollar, picking it up and bringing it to his mother.

"Good job! Thank you sweetie." Inko congratulated as she ruffled the short boys hair, making him smile and giggle with excitement.

The two began to walk again, searching for money on the ground. After 30 minutes they had 3 dollars in total.

Inko began to look around for any sort of convenience store around, her eyes landed on a gas station. It looked pretty beat up and old, but it would do.

Both Inko and Izuku began to walk again. Izuku looked around and scrunched his nose from the smell of smoke and alcohol.

The pair walked through the double doors and saw many racks of colorful snacks, alongside a bored man with a cigarette in his mouth who had very yellow teeth and was starting to loose hair on the top of his head.

Inko grabbed a granola bar off one of the many racks and starting walking over to the man.

She placed the food down and the man checked to see what she got. He took the cigarette out of his mouth to speak.

"*cough* mmk $2.30." The man lazily said.

The woman placed down some of the money on the table and grabbed the granola bar as she started on her way out of the store with Izuku.

She opened the granola bars wrapper and split the food in half.

"Here zuku." She said as she handed him half of the food. Izuku smiled.

Him and his mother sat down on the side of the sidewalk. "Thank you mommy!" He smiled before he began to eat.

Izuku ate the entire piece but Inko saved some of hers, they would need food later too.

While they were walking around looking for some place to sleep that night Inko found a piece of cardboard that had writing on it in a dumpster. The board said 'please donate if you can'

She went over to the dumpster and picked it up along with a kinda broken plastic cup to collect change.

Things would get better, right?

3 hours later, 2 pm

Inko and Izuku had been sitting on the floor holding the sign up for a long time, but had only gotten a few cents. Most people didn't even notice them and kept walking or looked at them with disgust.


45 minutes later

Only a few more cents had been donated. Izuku was pretty bored and began to mess around with little pebbles on the road.

While Izuku was playing with little stones he noticed a stray cat. He got really excited and looked at his mom.

"Mommy look! A kitty cat! Isn't it so cute?" The boy pointed at the cat with an adorable smile on his face, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"It's very cute sweetie" his mother replied, smiling back at him.

"Can I feed it a piece of food? Pretty pleaseeee?" The green haired boy asked, making a puppy dog face.

"Alright sure zuku, here you go." She took the remaining granola piece out of her pocket and broke a corner off.

Izuku carefully took the piece, making sure not to drop it and steadily walked over to the cat.

"Hey kitty!" The boy began to talk, as if the cat could understand.

Izuku began to make clicking noises with his tongue to try and coax the cat over to him.

He noticed a few things, how the cat was bright orange and had white stripes in some places onto its back, he also noticed a tip of its ear was missing.

The cat slowly and wearily made its way over to the boy. Once it was close enough Izuku stuck his hand out and tried feeding the cat, and it gladly accepted the food.

"Hehe!" The boy giddily giggled. He was a very caring person so doing something nice made him really happy.

The kitty began to much on the food. After it was done it ran away.

Izuku skipped back over to his mother "Did you see that? It was sooo cute!!" The boy beamed, he'd always loved animals.

"You're are so kind zuku." Inko spread her arms for a hug and Izuku accepted. He loved his mother's hugs. It made him so happy.


Time skip to 9:00 pm

Izuku's POV 🥦

It's been raining for a long time and I'm getting really cold, the nighttime crisp air along with the rain is freezing!

"Momma I'm getting sleepy.." I yawned

"Alright hun, let's lay down." Mommy started to take the money out of the cup and put it sealed in her pocket. When all of it was in she pull the zipper so the money wouldn't fall out.

She started to lay down and opened her arms for me to lay down as well I situated myself on one of her forearms while her other was resting on top of me.

"Good night zuku baby." She said to me.

"Goodnight mommy" I nuzzled myself into her chest.

I miss home..


Hey guys! I just wanna say thanks to all the people who've read this so far!
1102 words

6/2/21 💃🏻🕺

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