38: --so I think you can thank me!

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"There's a beautiful riverbank over there" Suhana swiftly turned back as she saw Harshad standing behind her following her trails.

"I thought you went to the camp area long back with Rohit" Suhana gazed at him confused, as the work for setting up the medical camp was over long back.

"Nah, I was ambling along the riverbank...and then found out that you were strolling here at this hour. Why didn't you leave with Rohit?" Harshad chuckled.

"I was just...trying to get some air" Suhana cleared her throat .

"Okay, let's move to the camp, it's dark out here...and there are no street lights as well" Harshad said as Suhana nodded.

"Hope the tents are laid out, everyone must be really tired with all that traveling and stuff" Harshad breathed out as Suhana continued.

"Huh, don't worry about that, all the personal tents would have been laid out perfectly hours ago" Suhana .

"Really? How do you know about that?" Harshad looked at her confused, as they were taking steps forward.

"Hmm well...Sometimes you do your work faster when you are hell bent to prove someone wrong" Suhana silently smiled, which went unnoticed in the darkness.

"Huh...okay" Harshad concluded with his mind still processing his level best to decode the meaning behind her words.

In a few minutes they reached the camp, as the darkness swept away. The place was a bit brighter with tent lanterns hanging outside the tent and around the place, making it lively.

"Oh my...." Suhana gasped with her mouth wide open staring at the yellow lanterns which were making the place totally aesthetic.

"Finally! Where were you?" Rohit came towards them and put his hand around her shoulders.

"Nahh, I was just strolling over there!" Suhana shrugged.

"Well, the tents are ready to settle down" Anika walked towards them declaring it proudly.

"Yeah I can see that" Suhana sniggered.

"Who did you even ask to do this?" Harshad asked as his face was still drowned in astonishment.

"Vikram! Vikram did!" Zaara walked towards them with a discourteous tone in her voice.

"Huh--Vikram?" Harshad's eyebrows shoot up, unbelievably.

"You asked...Vikram to do this?" His eyes grew wide as Suhana nodded with a calm face," And he....he agreed to do??" His face turned pale with confusion as he moved his head between Suhana and the beautiful camp lighting in front of him.

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