Chapter 16.

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Chapter 16.

Gabriella's POV

I moaned as I begin waking up. It's so cold. I'm never leaving my bed! Thank God I'm no longer a teenager and have to go to school.

School! Twins! Shit! I quickly jump out of my bed and started running toward their room. I barged in and saw their bed empty. What? I walk down stairs and saw Amy cooking something.

"Where are the twins?" I asked her quickly.

"Don't worry luna, alpha already took them to school." Amy said smiling. I sighed in relief.

"What time is it?" I asked her.

"It's nine thirty." She said. I nodded and went to sit on the stool.

"Are you hungry luna?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said and put my head on the table. I'm so sleepy.

"Maybe you should go to sleep luna." Amy said.

"I can't fall a sleep now." I mumbled. She nodded.

"What can I make for you?"

"Pancakes." I mumbled.

I talk to Amy as I eat my pancakes, but Christian interrupted us.

"Alpha." Amy said and bow.

"We need to go Gabriella." Christian said ignoring Amy.

"What? Where?" I asked.

"Principle of the school just called and said twins got into a fight." He said.

"What?!" I shouted.

"Hurry up! He said it's urgent." Christian said.

"Give me a minute I need to change." I said and run toward my room. I quickly changed into a black skinny jeans and gray tank top. I put my hair in a high pony tail and wash my face and teeth. I look like shit.

I grabbed my white sneakers and run down stairs. I saw Christian talking to Paul.

"Let's go." I said interrupting him.

"We'll talk about this later." He said to Paul, Paul nodded and walk into the living room.

"So what happened?" I asked him.

"I don't know, principle just called me and said they got into a fight." Christian said.

Ten minutes later Christian pull into the school's parking lot. We both got out of the car and walked into the school in silence.

Christian barged into the principle's office. I gasped at his rudeness as he growled angrily. I look at him in confusion, then I saw John Byrne. Christian's enemy since high school. They always hated each other. I look around the office and saw a pretty blonde sitting next to John and some kid sitting in his lap, twins sat on the other chair with scowl on their faces. Like father like sons. They got into a fight with John's kid.

"Alpha, luna." Principle mumbled and bow his head.

"What the fuck happened?" Christian growled. Principle shivered in fear.

"Can you all please calm down and take a seat." He calmly said. Christian pick up twins and sat them on his lap, I sat on the chair next to them.

"Now, I called you here so we can talk about what happened between these three." Principle said.

"Are you gonna tell us or what?" Christian said. I slapped him on his arm as a warning.

"Apparently there was a disagreement between Blake and Collin, then they started fighting and Blaze step in." Principle said.

"High five." Christian said to twins and they smiled at him and high five him. I glared at them and they quickly shut up.

"Look what they have done to my son!" John yelled and pointed at Collin's face. He has huge black eyes. I gasped, I'm so disappointed.

"Blake Ashton Hall! Blaze Asher Hall!" I yelled at them. "Look what you have done to a boy!"

"But mommy he started it!" Blaze said pointing at Collin.

"No I didn't, he did!" Collin yelled and pointed at Blake.

"Enough!" Principle shouted at them, but Christian growled at him and he quickly sit down and bow his head.

"Are they gonna be expelled?" Blondy asked principle.

"They should be, but since they are alpha's sons I won't expelled them." He said calmly.

"We'll be going now." Christian said and stood up with twins in his arms. I followed behind him.

"Goodbye." I smiled at principle and walk behind Christian.

"Are you mad mommy?" Blake asked.

"Of course I'm mad!" I shouted.

"They didn't do anything wrong, they just defended them self." Christian said.

"What?!" I snapped at him.

"Blake behaved like an alpha should, never back down from a challenge and Blaze helped his brother." Christian said proudly.

"But the thing is Christian that Blake is not an alpha he's just a four year old kid!" I tried to say calmly but at the end I begin shouting again.

"But he will be." Christian said. I glared one last time at them and begin ignoring them.


"C'mon Gabriella don't be mad at us." Christian said desperately.

"Mommy, don't be mad." Blaze said and give me a puppy dog look along with Blake.

"I'm sorry mamma." Blake said and hugged me.

"So what happened?" Amy asked me.

"Tell us Blake what happened?" I said to Blake.

"I wanted a green teddy bear but he took it from me!" Blake said and made an angry face.

"Teddy bear!" I shouted. "You two are grounded! I'm taking away all of your toys!"

The rest of the pups gasped at me. It's like a crime to take away their toys.

"Daddy!" Twins said desperately.

"Sorry I can't help you on this one." Christian said.

"Go to your room and think of what you have done." I said. They both begin walking with scowl on their faces.

"Alpha, luna." Cole said as he walked in the living room.

"Cole?" Christian asked.

"I just need to remind you alpha that one of the alphas is coming to sign a treaty tomorrow." Cole said.

"Alpha Dylan?" Christian asked.

"Yes alpha."

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