Under my nerves

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Nebraska and Tennessee got along... somewhat well.... much better than Tennessee got along with Kentucky.They just hung around occasionally. But one day, Nebraska was in a bad mood, and then Tennessee somehow upset Nebraska. Then they started fighting. 

Tennessee: Calm down, Nebraska.

*1 more minute of arguing*


Tennessee: I'm older than you quit telling ME that i don't know any more than you do. Fighting in a war, to be exact.

(in my canon, Only america went to WW1 and WW2. also in this story, its before WW2)

Nebraska: Shut up Tennessee I don't need to hear your glorious  stories of the Civil war and how you nearly won. 

Tennessee looked startled but said nothing.

Tennessee: Nebraska, did you- nevermind.

(also in this fanfic nebraska and tennesse are  young)

For the rest of the day, Tennessee didn't really speak to Nebraska. at the end of the day, Nebraska got in bed, he was expecting to fall right asleep but:

Unknown: You should not have said that...

Nebraska: wtf

suddenly Nebraska saw someone sitting the foot of the bed. Nebraska thought it was Tennessee, but it was actually someone different, someone with Tennessee's flag, but also with the "Confederate" flag. 


Confederate Tennessee: Shh, I Don't need anything from you. Its just that what you said about Tennessee was wrong. Nothing about that war was glorious. Tennessee even wanted to give up.

Nebraska:Shut up and stop simping for Tennessee.

Confederate Tennessee: What? What's that?

Nebraska: OK Boomer

Confederate Tennessee: ??????????

Confederate Tennessee: Anyway, I guess I'll have to show you.....

Nebraska felt C.T. pull his arm and pulled him away. Then they were in a forest. gun shots were firing, but both Nebraska and Confederate Tennessee were safe because they were both behind a bush. It took Nebraska a bit to get used to the gunshots, and they both looked over the bush to see Confederate Alabama, and Past Confederate Tennessee.

Alabama: Careful, Tennessee!

Tennessee: Don't worry I'm fine.

(Blood Warning Coming up)

Tennessee and Alabama quickly tried firing at the Union soldiers, but there were much more union soldiers that they could handle. Tennessee had to stand up to reload his gun, but then---


Tennessee stepped back, then seemed to crumple to the ground, blood already leaking from his clothes.

Alabama: TENNESSEE!!!

Alabama rushed over to Tennessee who was already on the ground. Tennessee tried to say something to comfort his brother, but one of the bullets might have gotten his lungs, because only blood came out.

Alabama: Nononononono, Tennessee don't go like this!

Alabama did not know what he could do. Then, out of the corner of his eye, Alabama saw Union soldiers marching into the forest. He had no choice but to leave.

The Union Soldiers marched past Tennessee's body, but after they had marched past, America had a gut feeling to go into the forest. New York came with him. America found Tennessee and surprisingly, he was alive.

America: Tennessee! Are you alright?

Tennessee: I think so.

then Nebraska noticed that the confederate part of Tennessee's flag was missing. America seemed to notice too. 

America: Tennessee! Your flag!

Tennessee: I don't want to fight anymore. I surrender.

America helped Tennessee up and New York led them to the camp where Tennessee could get better.

Nebraska woke up. he rushed downstairs to apologize to Tennessee. he found him nearby the counter in the kitchen. 

Nebraska: TN, I'm sorry about what I said. can you forgive me? 

Tennessee: What? Oh- Yes, I do forgive you.

Sorry for the odd story!1 also, my crappy artwork is at the top

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