15 Urban Legends That Turned Out to Be True

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How about checking out some facts about these urban legends that were actually true :)

P.S. And yes it's still creepy 



15 Urban Legends That Turned Out to Be True

by: Devarrick Turner

1. Dead Body Under The Bed


A couple checks into a hotel and smells a horrible odor. They sleep in the room overnight and complain about the smell the next morning. After investigating the room, a dead body is discovered under the mattress.

True Story

This has actually happened on numerous occasions. Cases have been reported in Kansas City, Atlantic City, N.J., Las Vegas, Florida and California.

2. Dead Body Rolled in Carpet


We've all seen it in the movies: a dead body rolled up in an old rug. But does that actually happen in real life?

True Story

Columbia University students discovered an old rolled up carpet on the side of the street. They decided to take it and use it in their dorm. When they got to their dorm and unrolled it, they discovered a dead body that had been shot several times.

3. Halloween Stunt Goes Horribly Wrong


A teen gives an audience the ultimate finale to a Halloween show by actually hanging himself.

True Story

A working gallows was built for a Halloween show. It was supposed to be rigged where the "victim" was secured by a harness and he'd stop just before actually being hanged. Unfortunately, it didn't work. The incident has happened more than once.

4. Elevator Decapitation


Someone is trapped by elevator doors and then decapitated, split in half or lose some other limb as the elevator continues to move.

True Story

In 2003, Dr. Hitoshi Nikaidoh stepped into a Houston hospital elevator but the doors closed early. It pinned his torso and as the elevator went up, it chopped his head off.

5. Runaway Gurney


A patient is killed when their hospital gurney is left unattended and rolls away.

True Story

This was originally an urban legend. It came true in 1991 when a 76-year-old man was transported from his nursing home to a hospital for a regular check-up. The attendants went to talk to the office staff and the gurney rolled away and flipped over. The man suffered head injuries and later died of complications from his injuries.

6. The Toxic Lady


A patient is cut into and rancid fumes emit from the body. All the nurses and doctors in contact with the patient suddenly become violently ill and die.

True Story

In 1994, a cancer patient, Gloria Ramirez, was admitted into the hospital. When nurses try to get a blood sample, toxic fumes from the blood caused them to become light-headed and pass out. They had no control over their limbs when they awoke. Twenty-three hospital personnel exhibited at least one symptom from being in contact with the cancer patient. No one knows what caused her blood to be so toxic.

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