Chapter Fifteen

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"There's my favorite daughter!"

"I'm your only daughter Dad," I tell him and walk into his open arms for a hug.

Anytime I walked through the front door of my childhood home, he would always say that, having his arms wide open to hug me. I'm definitely a Daddy's girl. According to my parents, I use to follow my Dad all around the house when I was little. Constantly begging for him to pick me up and hold me. He was the only one who was able to get me to eat any green foods when growing up.

"I know Rora bear that's why you're my favorite," he gives me another squeeze before releasing me from his comforting embrace.

"What's Mom cooking? It smells amazing."

My Mom is the best cook ever. I'm seriously not just saying that cause she's my Mom, and home-cooked food tastes better. She could open up or own a restaurant in New York or something that's how good her cooking is. She's constantly making different dishes, that taste like they came out of a five-star restaurant. The boys and I would probably be living off pizza and boxed Mac and cheese if she didn't teach me everything I know about cooking. Growing up we probably would have lived off take-out if my Mom didn't know how to cook. Cause has hard as he tries my Dad can't cook at all. He can burn steaks and hamburgers on the grill but that's about it.

"She's making pulled pork sandwiches and sweet potato fries with a sour cream dip."

We go inside and walk down the entry hallway past the living room and to the kitchen. I spot Knox and Kohl taking turns stirring up a bowl that I assume is the sour cream dip. My Mom is chopping up some chives to add to it. I walk over to her and hug her being careful to not disturb her too much so she doesn't cut herself.


While my dad is the only person to call me Rora or Rora bear. Mom is the only one who calls me Aurora. She thinks shortened versions of names are ridiculous. She says that she named me Aurora and that's what she's going to call me.

The boys both look away from the bowl when they hear my name.

"Mom!" They say at the same time and hop off their stools to hug me.

"Hey boys." I hug them back and catch Mom giving is a soft smile out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey, Mom how's everything going?"

The boys let go and go back to their stools. I sit down on the last open stool and watch the boys continue to stir the dip. I'm sure it's all stirred up by now but my Mom would never tell them that. She loves having them help in the kitchen. Says them knowing how to cook is going to impress a girl someday.

I'm not looking forward to their dating days or to their teenage days. I can only hope my boys don't cause much trouble.

"Everything is going well. Dinner is almost ready would you set the table and fill up the water glasses?" Mom adds the chives to the dip then has the boys stir that up before putting it in the fridge.

I walk over to the cupboards next to the sink and grab some plates, then place them on the dining room table. Then I walk back and grab glasses before placing those down as well and fill them up with ice water. Mom brings out a casserole dish filled with pulled pork, some hamburger buns, sweet potato fries, and the dip.

"Jim get in here dinner is ready!" She yells at my Dad, who is probably watching whatever sport is on at the moment.

"All right I'm coming sweets."

The boys sit down at the table and I sit down across from them while my Dad and Mom sit at the head of the table on opposite ends.

"Everyone join hands." We all join hands and my Dad says grace. "Thank you heavenly father for this food and bless the hands that helped prepare it Amen. Let's eat!"

I stand up and reach across the table for Kohl's plate, and assemble his pulled pork sandwich adding fries to his plate with some sour cream dip. I set his plate back down in front of him then repeat the process with Knox and then my plate. Once everyone has their food I dig in and take a bite of my sandwich.

"This is good Mom thank you."

"You're quite welcome. The boys were a big help."

We're all silent after that and just inhaling our food as fast as we can without choking, cause it's so good. My food is almost gone when my phone starts to ring. My Mom shoots me an annoyed look and I give her an apologetic one in return. I pull my phone out of my pocket and check to see who the caller is as I get up from the table.

"It's Cage I'll be right back. Hello?" I say as I walk away from the table.

"Hey, Rory. Are the puppies staying with me or...?" Cage asks after I answer the phone and say hello.

Oh my gosh, I completely forgot about Muddy and Buddy. I forgot to call Cage and see if he would be fine watching them a little longer today.

"Oh my gosh, Cage I'm so sorry I've completely forgotten about them. Do you need me to come to pick them up?"

"They're fine staying here for tonight if you want? I understand if you're too busy to get them."

"No, I can come to pick them up in an hour. The boys and I are at my parent's house for dinner right now. I'm still not used to having Muddy and Buddy yet clearly." I give an embarrassed laugh and sit down on the couch in the living room.

"Don't rush okay?" I agree and am about to hang up when he says my name. "Rory? I had a really good time last night hopefully we can do that again soon."

After that, he hangs up the phone before I can get a word out. Since he hung up the phone I decide to send him a text before going back to the dining room.

Rory - Me too.
Sent at 7:32 p.m.

I tuck my phone back in my pocket then go back to the dining room and sit down.

"Everything okay Mom?" Knox asks me looking concerned.

"Yes everything is fine I just completely forgot about Muddy and Buddy is all. Your father said it's fine that they stay over longer."

"Glad he's helping you with those pups it's the least he can do." My Dad says with a scowl on his face.


He puts his hands up in surrender and starts to grab the plates.

My Dad still isn't sure on how to feel with Cage back and in the boys' lives now. To hide his worry he conveys it as anger, which is something he is not, angry that is. He kind of was in the beginning when he first found out I was pregnant though what wouldn't be when your fresh out of high school daughter is pregnant? He came around to the idea of course and was well aware that Cage not being in Knox and Kohl's lives is my doing.

"I have a surprise for you boys." At that Knox and Kohl perk up. "You have to close your eyes though if you want it."

Once they do that I walk over to where I left my bag and grab the gingerbread cookies out of it. I turn around making sure their eyes are still closed then place them down on the table in front of them. My Mom smile when she sees the cookies remembering all the times that she and I decorated gingerbread cookies when I was growing up. It's a tradition in our family my Mom's mom did that with her too.

"Okay open your eyes."

They open their eyes and they both light up with excitement when they see the cookies. Since having gingerbread cookies that you can decorate yourself for sale at the bakery was their idea. I decided to take out a percentage of the profit and put it aside for both of them. They can spend it on whatever they want once they reach sixteen, within reason though. I'm hoping they'll not spend it and just save it for college but it's their money and will be their decision.

"Oh cool, you added candies to the bags this year." Kohl takes one of the candies and pops it into his mouth.

My Dad joins us after he finishes up the dishes and puts everything away. Soon we're all laughing at the designs of the twin's gingerbread man. I wouldn't change a thing about how my life is. The twins certainly are the best thing to ever happen to me.


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