Teddy Bear and Gamble

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He stayed close to me and I leant on him like he was a huge teddy bear comforting me.
"Wow!" He said slowly and raised my head to look at him in question.
"Your story is so fascinating dude. Parents divorced and staying away from each other; how dense and sensational! Look at me! My dad is a businessman, my mom is a businesswomen and I am aiming to be a businessman as well. I am not even half as interesting and dense as you are." He said and I laughed out loud. He saw me laughing and he had that mission-successful look. After some time, our milkshakes came and he went back to his seat. I missed his warmth but I like having my own personal space so I didn't complain. Few slurps later, he looked at me intently and I met his gaze.

"Don't be sad Liv. You look great when you are happy." He said and I smiled at him. He really knows how to take my breath away. He dropped me home when we were done with our milkshakes and rode back to his home. Today was an eventful day and he must have had many many injuries to be taken care of. But I feel much more closer to him. I feel like I can trust him much more now. He was genuine in every apology and he had the guts to do it. It takes a lot of effort to acknowledge a mistake in the first place and to do that seven times is a huge deal. I went inside smiling like an idiot. But maybe I should have checked my phone for messages first. When I went in, I saw a very naked Paul on top of my very naked mom on the living room sofa. I screamed and went out shutting the door behind me as if I saw a demon. 

"MOM! TEXT! CALL! ANYTHING!!" I shouted from the outside. Her reply came rather immediately.
"LIV! I DID TEXT YOU!" She shouted back and I cursed under my breath. I checked my phone and there were tons of messages from her. 
"DAMNIT! YEAH MOM I GOT IT. I WILL BE IN MY BAKERY. LEMME KNOW WHEN YOU ARE DONE." I said and without waiting for her reply, I went to the garage only to realize I didn't take my eyes with me. 
'Fuck' I cursed under my breath and took my phone out to text my friends. Emma was with Mark and she offered to give me a ride but the last thing I wanted was to be a third wheel in my best friend's budding relationship. Carter didn't respond and I was hoping he wouldn't. I needed some time away from him to think how I really feel about us. I wanted to make a very measured step to make sure I don't end up hurting him or myself. I got a ping from Mia and she said she is free and would love to help me out in the bakery. She came about five minutes later and I ran towards her as if the demon from inside the house will come out at any moment. I sighed loudly when I say beside her in her car and she chuckled.

"Did you see a ghost or something?" She said between her laughter and I groaned.
"My mom was..." I trailed off to find the right words. I cleared my throat, "...busy." Safest word I can think of at that moment. She knew what I meant though. She chuckled again and we took off. Usually, by this time, I am done with the shop but considering the circumstances, this is the best I could do. I went in, Mia following me closely. I knew better than to ask her help in cooking because, somehow, even I have no idea how exactly, but she will set the whole bakery on fire. She manages that somehow. Everyone knows never to ask her to cook anything, even a cup of coffee would turn out to be horrifying. She sat on the platform on one corner and I kept giving her dishes I made for her approval. She liked most of them and gave me her opinions on how and where I can improve. She might be the worst cook in the history of mankind but ironically, she has the best ways on how a dish can be improved. She knows exactly what is missing and what is inadequate. While I was making the croissant dough, she popped a question out of nowhere.

"Do you think I should keep dating Joe?" She asked.
"The guy from the café? How am I supposed to know?" I said and she sighed.
"I meant should I date anyone in the first place?"
"Why are you asking me this?"
"I don't know. You have dated maximum guys out of all of us and I think you would be the best one to tell me this." I hummed thoughtfully. She is not wrong. I have dated about five guys, including Taylor and for some or the other reason, things didn't work out. One of them was heavily dominant in the relationship, one of them cheated on me, I ended things with one of them because it didn't feel fun etc. 
"I don't see why not." I said after giving her question some thought.
"I know. I should date to know the kind of person I want to spend my life with but it just doesn't feel like me."
"Okay, stop covering up whatever you are feeling and too embarrassed to tell me and just spill it out." I said and her head whipped to look at me. She stared at me for a while and her face broke into a sad smile.
"You caught that huh?" She sighed.
"Just tell me what is it."
"It's just that, I like being with him and he is an amazing guy but he just doesn't feel like..." She paused thinking for the right word.
".....he is not the one?" I asked and she nodded.
"Look, I understand that feeling but I don't think you can base everything on it."
"Elaborate. 10 marks." She said and I chuckled.
"Challenge accepted. Look, you are inclined towards not dating him because you think he might not be the one. But don't shrug him off just because of that. Spend some time with him, go on more dates, maybe you will find something that will make you like him. You yourself said that he is nice guy and since you are asking my opinion, I am telling you they are hard to find. Don't let go before actually putting some efforts." I said and she thought about what I said.
"And if it doesn't work out?"
"Then you know the kind of person you don't want to be in relationship with." I said and shrugged. A comfortable silence settles between us for few minutes before she jumped down and found the extra apron I keep in my shelf.

"What are you doing M?" I asked her in horror and she shrugged.
"I am not wearing this apron because I want to play football in here. I will help you." 
"NO! Not happening. I cherish this bakery way too much for you to destroy it." She rolled her eyes and pouted.
"I am not that bad."
"You put the drapes of my home on fire!" I said and she pouted again.
"In my defense-" She said but I cut her off.
"You don't have a defense. I had to buy drapes from my own pocket!" 
"Hey! I said sorry like a million times. Don't be such a baby." She said and laughed at me.
"Look, if you wanna help, just take the register." I said and she huffed and went to the front. 

Not many people came in but it was a good number for a late night shop. Mia helped as a waitress. She swapped few orders in the beginning but after some time, she became more used to it and worked perfectly for the rest of the time. After about two hours, I got a text from my mom that Paul is gone. I sighed and Mia dropped me back. My mom was standing right in front of the door when I went in. 

"Yup, I messed up, I know." I said and sighed.
"Big time Peach." She said and laughed out loud. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her in confusion.
"Why are you laughing?" 
"Because you screamed bloody murder when you came in." She said and my face turned red in embarrassment.
"Well, I didn't know how to react. It's not everyday that I see you naked." I said and huffed and she laughed even louder. I went past her to my room. I will tell her what happened this evening but after she has recovered from her witch like laughter. I went in the shower and stripped out of my clothes. My body relaxed as soon as I stepped in the hot shower. I sighed and stayed like that for a considerable time before getting out. I put on a tank top and comfortable shorts and went down while drying my hair. Mom wasn't in the kitchen so I decided to cook today. I settled with Cobb salad. My mom hates it but if she is not cooking, the choice can't be hers. I cut all the necessary ingredients and while I was mixing it, my mom walked to the kitchen drying her hair. She dumped her wet towel on the kitchen counter and I glared at her. She raised her hand in surrender and picked it back up. I chuckled and she gave me middle finger before walking away. I love how childish she is; I get that from her. She came back and pouted at the sight of her plate.

"Cobb Salad? Why?"
"I assumed you need energy." I smirked and she blushed. Her face became redder than the tomato I put in her salad. I took one from her plate and put it beside her face to compare. When she realized what I was doing, she smacked my hand away and I chuckled.
"So, what's new with you?" She asked obviously to change the topic but I would be stupid if I let that happen.
"No no no, we are not doing that mom. Tell me the details." I said and she smacked my head.
"Hey! I am your mom. Have some respect." She said and I rolled my eyes.
"Oh you know we are way past that." I said and her frowned face broke into a huge smile.
"True that. I anyway, was dying to tell this to someone. So, he came in this evening after you left. I thought he was here just to meet me and chill out but he came right towards me and kissed me; his hands on my waist and other hand on my cheek." She said and sighed dreamily.
"He had those intense eyes when he lifted me up and..."
"Woah, too much info mom!" I said and she chuckled.
"Sorry Peach. Got carried away."
"Did I interrupt things?" I asked.
"No honey, it was a bit weird for a while but it vanished away quickly. Now that you know what happened, tell me where did you go with Carter? I didn't think he will talk to you for a while." She said and I explained her everything that happened, starting from Carter apologizing to every girl via telling him what happened between me and my father skipping the part where I heard nasty things that my dad did to my mom, because my mom doesn't know that I know and finally to the part where I went to the bakery and helped Mia out with her problem. 

"Peach, I like Carter and I think he is a good guy but do you think letting him know about your father was a good thing?"
"I don't know mom. I am always very careful about the things I share with people but with Carter, it just happened. It's a gamble right now and I placed my bets on him." I said and she nodded. I went in my room and let sleep take me. I was too tired to do anything else.


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