Chapter 34~Shay Dixon

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It's April 26th and Cole's eighteenth birthday is tomorrow. I finish wrapping his gift, a big picture frame filled with a collage of photos of the two of us. My phone buzzes with a text. I pick it up, hoping to find Cole's name show up. I find two messages, one just now from Cole and the other a couple hours earlier from someone else.

Cole: Party's at 7, my house. Wear something formal ;)

Unknown Sender: Hey Shay, it's Sasha. We need to talk ASAP, let me know when you are free!

I roll my eyes at Cole's text. He knows I hate wearing dresses. Maybe I could get away with a cardigan and dress pants.

What could Sasha want to talk about? How did she even get my number? I reply to Cole's text first, not sure whether I should agree to meeting up with Sasha or not.

Me: Why formal? I thought you hated formal.

Cole: I do.

Me: Then why is the party formal?

Cole: Maybe I just want to see my girlfriend in a dress.

Cole: Yes, formal does require you to wear a dress. Not dress pants and  a cardigan :b

I laugh, pleased that he knows what I'm thinking. I hesitate before texting back, knowing I must follow through with my next plan.

Me: Ok. Fine. I'll wear a dress but only because it's your birthday.

Cole: Great, see you there!

I exit my conversation with Cole before going into Sasha's message. I type a reply and she responds instantly.

Me: How long will this take?

Sasha: As long as you make it.

Me: Does the 28th work?

Sasha: Works for me. Time Horton's at 2:00pm? Come alone.

Me: Sure.

She doesn't text back after than and I'm tempted to ask for more information but then I stop myself. Do I even want to know?

I set my phone down before searching my closet for a dress. Exactly how formal does Cole want?


Now things are gonna get complicated... have a great day/night! 💞

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