|𝟒.| 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗺 𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗺 ♤

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Society. The most crucial thing when growing up, they decide what's right and what's wrong. What deserves applause and what deserves an insult. There are no specific people on this board, no VIPs, A-listers, or celebrities. Society was everyone and not even the most powerful people could escape Society's opinion.

Society's opinionates how one looks, what one eats, where one lives, what that means, where therefrom if they're good enough, and so on. These words of opinion from random people affect humans' lives so often, that it feeds them a power that no one should possess.

The power to judge, to control, to decide.

I look over at my best friend and her daughter sleeping peacefully next to me. It's been a long time since I felt this safe, this contained. I know I should wake them up but I decided against it. I examine their features, the similarity is uncanny. From Simarae's dark brown hair to her round grouched nose, her plum straight lips, her fair peach skin color, her brown eyes, and big forehead. Lita had it all.

I turn to look up to the ceiling remembering a memory I've tried to lock away for so many years.


"Hey, Middlebottom," A rude guy says from behind. I stop in my tracks and turn to face Ash Hermandez, the most annoying guy I've ever met in my entire life. He knows I hate that nickname, I've always been scared that people would catch on and start calling me by that.

"Yes, Heruglyness" I smirk. He glares at me like I got three eyes, I snicker because annoying him makes my day. He is an asshole and I can play that game too.

"How about a date, you and me?"

"It'll depend, whose coming the douche or Ash?" I smile, walking towards him. Spectators watch our interactions as if it's the first time we've spoken to each other. Although Hermandez makes a point of not talking to anyone except a certain circle of people.

"Both. In bed, you'd like the douche" he smirks and pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear, I slap it away and he grunts in a painful tone.

"Get over yourself, Hermandez!" I squeal. A few people whisper some incoherent rumors while passing us, we ignore them as usual and I turn my attention to Ash.

"I will, right after you get under me." He smirks and I begin to walk away, continuing my thoughts. I debate the thought of being under him for a second before shrugging and ignoring the tingliness I feel.

"So it's a date? I'll see you Saturday!" I smile, still walking away from him a little less quickly.

"I know you're smiling" he screams. He chuckles a bit but it's gone quickly most likely because we're in a public place. I'll go on a million dates just to hear that minor laugh.


Get out! Get out! Get out!

I scream into my pillow, mentally cursing myself with a million insulting words. I stare up at the ceiling again. I stare blankly at the chandelier dangling with beautiful jewels from the ceiling. I hum to myself a song 'Chandelier' by Sia. It's a beautiful song, a cry for help when no one can hear you. I only reach the chorus when I hear Simarae next to me shuffling in her space. I continue humming the chorus while she rubs her eyes stroking Li's hair.

"You know that's a suicidal song right?" She said, her voice still hoarse.

"That explains a lot" I laugh.

"You must have a death wish, Amiga" she chuckles, waking up Lita.

I head to the shower, Simarae and Lita do the same. After a quick thirty minutes, we meet up again in the bathroom. I pick up a now energetic Li and place her on the counter, I hand Marae her toothbrush which was unpacked yesterday and Li grabs hers as well.

ECSTASY | CRIME PRINCE SERIES | BOOK 0.5 FIRST EDITIONDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora