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"I should have kissed you longer "


I am just damn confused. Why did my body didn't resist her? Why was I so much drowned into her? Why was my body reacting so vigorously just with a touch of her? Why did I urge to kiss her back when she kissed me? Wtf is wrong with me? I guess I am just attracted to her because she is the first woman I live with apart from the ones in my family. 

Wait I just kissed her back so it means I have cheated on Radhika? Holy shit wtf did I do? My body wasn't even under my control.

Am I in love with her? Wtf Ayush what nonsense are you sprouting? You love Radhika and only Radhika. The way I feel about Diyanshi is indeed different from what I feel about Radhika. So, it can be simply concluded that I am not in love with Diyanshi. I am just attracted to her and that's normal according to biology.

But! Uh, I'm so confused. Let me ask Rihan he's is much knowledgeable than me on these matters.

And I dialed Rihan's number.

"Hello Rihan"

"Hello", his voice sounded as if he was sleeping.

"I need your help"

"Did you jump out of your building or did you just drink the poison? or you're already dead"

"Rihan I'm serious"

"Even me! Why help do you need at midnight? Did robbers attack your house or are you being kidnapped?"

"Rihan", I yelled.

"Yes Yes! Hi Ayush, how are you? What is the urgent thing you need to talk about?"

"I kissed Diyanshi"

"Oh! What? I thought you've already slept with her"

"Rihan", I yelled.

"Oh yes, yes. Tell me what's wrong in kissing your own wife?"

"I love Radhika"


"It feels like I'm cheating on her"

"Dude you're being dumb. Don't you remember she was the one who left you"

"But she had her own issues"

"Fuck those issues. Straightly speaking she was one who cheated on you indirectly so chill man"


"Leave that tell me what happened after the kiss? How did she react?"

"She slept"

"What? Did you sleep with her?"


"What do you mean by she slept then?"

"She was drunk, so she just slept while kissing"

"Dude, did you just take advantage of a drunk girl?"

"vice versa, she took advantage of me."

"That means she was the one who took the initiative?"


"Omg! You disappointed me, no you disappointed the whole human race of men.", he laughed.

"Stop laughing"

"Dude, I just can't control my laughter. Our Ayush has been taken advantage of by a young girl. Btw the way why did you say that YOU kissed her?"

"I kissed her back"

"Woah, So did you just called me in the middle of the night to let me know that you just kissed your OWN wife BACK?"

"No! I mean yes but I was confused with something I need you to sort it out"

"what's that now?"

"Am I in love with Diyanshi? because I think I am not as I am in love with Radhika. But my body reacts differently to her and that's why I think it's attraction. So It's attraction right?"

"Are you dumb?"


"Can't you see your body which has never reacted to anyone? You have tons of beautiful women in your office but did your body ever reacted to them like the way it reacted to Diyanshi?"

"No, but it just happened today and I guess tomorrow it will be fine again"

"Shut the fuck up and listen to me, google it. I'm damn sleepy to take your family matters into consideration. Bye"

"Rihan! wait" and he ended the call.

I guess I need to find the solution to this problem myself.

I googled " Signs that I am falling for her"

1. You're growing interested in the things she likes.

2. She makes you nervous.

3.You feel jealous of other people in her life.

4.You miss her when she's not around.

5. You think of her when you hear certain songs.

6. You notice that literally, everything reminds you of her.

7. Things you usually hate seem okay and even fun with her.

8. She annoys the hell out of you but you still want to be around her.

9.When she is sad you're genuinely sad too.

10. Need to keep her informed

I wrote down this in my notebook just to tick if something happens or doesn't happen.

I didn't do this much research when I was Radhika. But this can help me erase all my doubts which are irritating me now. I know not even one of them will be ticked. I'm 100% sure about it.

wait why am I troubling myself she was the one who kissed me. Why did she even kiss me? Is she in love with me? I need to make her know that she can't fall in love with me.

But Before anything, I need to sleep!!! I have a very important meeting to attend.



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