Chapter 16: Leah Stuart

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"My sisters will be here tonight." He tells me "Clarissa and Melanie. Clarissa is the oldest who just graduated UNC last year. Melanie is still in school. She'll be graduating high school this year."

"I miss high school. Everything was normal."

"What do you mean?" Chase ask as we pull into a neighborhood.

"I mean I had friends. Volleyball was my life and I had a boyfriend who I thought at the time was the love of my life. My family and I were close. Like super close. Kentucky football didn't suck."

"I don't miss high school. All I did was focus on basketball. I didn't get the high school experience."

"There's that saying you don't miss things until there gone. Well I miss everything that's gone now."

"If I could redo high school I would." He tells me. "I want the high school experience my sister has."

"I would love to redo the last 4 years of my life." I tell him honestly.

"Well here we are. Welcome to the Jackson family home." In the driveway I notice no cars. Great Chase and his father are probably going to get in an argument again. We should've brought Loren. We should've forced her in the car. Chase asked if she wanted to ride with us and she said no. So now that nobody's here yet they won't play the happy family. She said she was going to pick up Hayden. His car broke down.

I don't know why she wants him. Honestly. He sucks. He's always doing things to ruin their chance of being together.

I didn't expect them to live average. The live in a two story brick house. I expected a mansion. I mean only the best for a NBA hall of famers.

"You see that mailbox right there." Chase points out as he opens the door for me. "Yes." I say skeptical.

"I crashed my bike into that mailbox at age eight."

"Wow. So this is this house you grew up in."

"Yep. That oak tree right there." He points to the large oak tree in the yard. "I feel outta that tree at age six. Broke my first bone."

"Why'd you climb it?"

"Because I felt like it. Also my friend dared me. He said he'd let me be team captain next time we play basketball if I jumped." I laugh

"So let me guess. You jumped and weren't team captain the next game because you broke a bone."

"Correct. Can you guess what friend dared me?"

"I have no clue."


"Of course he did. You should've known he's been trying to eliminate his competition since y'all were six."

Before Chase can respond a girl runs out of the door and into his arms.

"Chase!" She yells as she jumps in his arms and wraps her legs around his waist.

Chase looks shocked and is just frozen.

"Omg! How have you been? I've missed you so much!" She says as she runs her hand down his arm. Does he have a girlfriend I didn't know about.

While she's basically feeling him up. I start my walk inside.

"Hi. You must be the girl my brother can't shut up about." A brunette says as I walk in the living room.

"Maybe. I'm Taylor." I tell her extending my hand. Which she takes and shakes. "Clarissa Jackson." She tells me. "Soon to be Mrs. Mason." A man says entering the living room.

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