Chapter Twenty-Four

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No, no, no, no, no, this cannot be happening. This cannot be real life. I watched Tomas fall to the floor, his back arched as he fell to his knees with a crash, and then he fell face-first into the mud. He didn't move; he was so still. Blood covered his back and trickled around him, saturating the floor as it progressed. I looked from my mate's body to the Warlock standing over him, and in his hand was a still-beating heart. Tomas' heart. 

It stopped beating in his hand and fell still. The Warlock looked at me with pleasure all over his face as he squished Tomas' heart. He dropped the heart to the floor like an offending object and wiped his hand on his robe. He looked down at Tomas and smirked. 

No, he cannot be dead. No, he cannot be gone. I didn't want to believe it, but I knew it was true because I felt the mate bond break in my head. His thoughts and feelings fell away from my head, and I felt empty. My heart cracked and almost broke entirely in two. It felt like knives were ripping through my head and heart. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't get my heart to beat, and I couldn't move. I was just frozen in place, willing time to reverse and to be able to fix this, but I knew this had been set in stone; I could not change this. 

I heard a howl rip out from beside me, and I managed to wake up enough to turn to see Mark howling to let people know that their Alpha had been killed. I left the pain of the others in our pack at the news that their Alpha had died. This pain fueled mine and made it hurt even more. Darkness swept through my magic, and vengeance seeped into my heart. 

I bowed my head in sadness and felt a tiny kick that fluttered in my stomach, telling me that I had to go on and end this. I took strength from our baby, and as I got to my feet, darkness swept in, and the moon altered to blood red. The Warlock looked up, and his resolve faltered when he saw the atmosphere change around him. 

I got to my feet, and my magic crackled between my fingers. It was no longer white but red like the blood-red moon. My fair, once pure white, had also gone blood red, and all I felt was pain, anger, vengeance and hatred. A spellcaster came at me, running between the Warlock and me, trying to protect him and with a flick of my wrist, I removed all the water from his body and dehydrated him to death. 

Another quickly followed, and I threw him into a tree, snapping his neck and back on impact. Some tried to use their magic on me, but it didn't touch me because I was fueled by anger and pain. I was also tapping into my child's magic to boost me. I sent their magic back at them and made it suffocate them as it whirled around them. 

"No, this can't be," 

"You made a mistake when you killed my mate," My voice didn't sound like me. It sounded deep, angry and menacing, like something from hell. 

"You are not destined to hurt me,"

"No, but I am using the baby's magic,"

"You wouldn't; you are risking its life," The Warlock said, trying to call my bluff. I flew up into the air and pulled the Warlock with my magic. He dangled and kicked in the air as I used my magic to grasp Clara from the fight. She flew into the air, her hands trying to get at invisible hands around her neck. "No!" He yelled as he saw that I had found his daughter. 

"She is the only person you care for," I said, tilting my head to the side to look at him and his reaction. He kicked and flailed at me, but I had his hands tightly clasped to his side. I used my water powers to dry his mouth so he could not speak. "I am going to make you watch as I cause you the same pain that I feel," I promised him, and he just coughed at me, trying to speak. 

I flew over to Clara and replaced my telekinetic hands with my physical ones. I looked at her dead, and she stilled as fear washed over her. I could smell it, and my pain and anger enjoyed it. 

"Please," She begged, and I chuckled at her pleading. It wasn't going to work on me. I dug my nails into her neck, piercing the skin, and her eyes widened. "Daddy," She choked out. I turned to look at the Warlock.

"Yes, Daddy, do save her," I taunted, and the Warlock tried again. "No?" I pouted mockingly. "Doesn't look like daddy will help you." I taunted Clara. "Shame," I said as I turned her so her back was against my chest. I placed my free hand on her heart and could feel its frantic beats, begging to continue. Using my nails, I slashed open a cut on her chest between her V-neck, and blood started trickling down her body. I then used my magic to pull at the blood. It was a liquid, so that I could manipulate it. I pulled at her blood, bringing out pint after pint and watched as her skin got chalkier and chalkier. She gurgled one last time and then slumped in my hand. I held her blood in an orb in one hand as I let go of her limp body. She fell like a lead weight to the floor with a sickening crunch. "Poor Clara," I taunted as I held up the blood orb and turned it into knives. "Now, I want you to watch as I kill your followers." I turned to the blades and swirled them, telling them to seek out spellcasters. With a flick of my wrist, the edges sped off, hitting their targets and going through each follower's heart. The spellcasters fell to the floor, many were instantly dead, and many tried to fight on, but my wolves ended their lives. 

I flew back to the Warlock, who looked at me with disgust and a tiny bit of fear, making me smile. I gave him back the ability to speak for a moment. 

"Your kind will die," I said, venom laced in every word. "Either by my hand or my child's," I promised him. "Any spellcaster who attacks a wolf will face the rage within me."

"You can't kill me; this was not in the prophecy," The Warlock croaked. His voice was dry, and his body still hung in the air. 

"You forget so easily." I chuckled at him. "I am using my child's magic," 


"No, no buts, this ends here and now. I tapped into my child's magic the moment you killed my mate. I couldn't have used my magic to its full potential, tapping into my child's until you killed Tomas. You killed yourself when you killed him and are taking your kind." My words were valid. I couldn't have tapped into my child's magic until my resolve was weakened. My magic was now at full strength, fueled by the anger, hatred and hurt in my heart. Yes, I was endangering my child's life by tapping into their magic, but the pain was so much that I had to end this once and for all. "I fully accept my true self, and she is enraged. You messed up."

"I will be avenged," 

"Maybe, but we'll be ready. I will ensure my child lives and takes over my vendetta against your kind." I promised him, and he struggled again. I went over to him, placed both hands on either side of his forehead, and dug my nails into him. I let out all my rage, pain, and hurt as it burned out my body. It lit me up like a tiki torch and started to burn the Warlock, who yelled out in pain as the light from my body was like fire. He melted and bubbled as his face began to drip. His clothes were long done, and bits of him began to fall like melted wax to the floor. Blood, tissue and muscle became mixed with the fat and bones of his body, and all started to fall away. He yelled out in pain, but no one came to his rescue. 

He gave out one last pitiful gurgle as his face disappeared from the bone, and he slowly melted into nothing on the floor. I then fell to the floor next to him and panted as my magic retreated into my body. I felt the pain and anger were still trying to fuel my magic, so I put most of my magic away in a box that would last until my child was 25 and could take over the pack from me. I just lay there on all fours, gathering my breath and equilibrium before standing to my feet to survey the damage. I looked around and saw the bodies, some spellcasters and some wolves. I saw Clara's dehydrated body, and then my eyes scanned and saw Tomas'. 

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