Sick Dally

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Riley's POV

I'm sitting on my couch when I hear a loud bang on my door making me jump, After the door rattles a bit it swings open and my boyfriend Dallas Winston walks in looking dreadful. Not like he was in a fight thought, his nose was red and he's eyes were bloodshot and watery. He walked right into the bathroom without saying a word. Then came out blowing his nose.                                  "Dally are you okay?" I ask standing up and walking over to him. He looked up acknowledging me for the first time since he got here.                                                                                                            "Yeah, I'm fine." He said his voice all scratchy and then he sneezed very loud.                                    "No your not Dallas, your sick! Come lay down!" I say going over to him and dragging him to the couch.  "What! I don't get sick!" He protests crossing his arms as I sat him down on the couch and then went to the bathroom to get medicine.                                                                                          "Dal' everyone gets sick, now drink this," I say coming back out and handing him a cup of medicine. He just stared at it. "I'm not drinking that," He said leaning back on the couch arms still crossed. He stared at his feet. I stood there for a while not saying anything, this is like taking care of a 4 year old.  "Can I have another tissue?" He then asked in a quiet voice still looking down. I chuckle a bit then go get the tissue box. I bring it out and give him the box. After he's done blowing his nose he put's his hand out. I hand him the medicine. He stared at it a little more. "I don't trust this stuff," He said frowning but the chugging it down, when he swallowed all of it he make's a really disgusted face. "Man! What do they put in that!" He says with a really high and squeaky voice crack. I laugh but then he looks up at me frowning so I stop.                              "It's gonna make you feel better, I promise," I say. "You know what would make me feel better?" He say's looking up at me with an evil grin. "Kisses!" He says with begging eyes. I roll my eyes and give him a quick kiss on the forehead. He stares at me. "What was that!" He says. I chuckle, "What! It was kiss," I says. He frowns again. "Your gonna get it when I'm feeling better!" He says and coughs again. "You should lay down," He does a small nod and spirals out across the couch. "Want anything else?" I ask. He thinks for a second. "Can we watch a movie? And is there something for my throat?" He says. I nod and turn on the TV then go to the kitchen to make him some soup. When I get back his eyes are closed. He looks so adorable! I go over and put the soup on the table. "Cuddles!" I hear him demand in a soft voice. I go over and pick his head up and slide under. With his head in my lap I play with his hair as I watch TV and Dally snores. 

Awww That would be so cute! 

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