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Every teenager knows this moment.

The moment when the crowd of people you're with goes deathly silent; everyone's eyes are darting between the two people who are about to do one of two things.

They're either about to fight with their words, or they're about to fight with their fists.

The air is thick with tension, like you can feel the energy in the air. Its equal parts dread and excitement, unless... unless you're someone who's praying for fists, or someone who's praying for words. You can tell instantly by their facial expressions who's hoping for what. Like Samuel, for example. He was only filled with excitement, because it was clear as day he was hoping for fists. He had a calm smile on his face, he was leaned back against the wall of Polly's mansion. His one hand was in his pocket, the other one was bringing a cigarette to his lips.

And, for someone who was hoping for words... well, I'm not sure what my face looked like. I knew what it felt like, though. I felt the way my eyes were opened wide, I felt the way my cheeks were pulling down. I felt the way I had one hand laying on my chest and the other one hovering in the air as if I could simply wave my hand and stop the two of them from saying or doing anything further.

I couldn't, though. We all knew that, I couldn't stop them.

"Stay out of it," Jesse ordered, and he didn't even turn towards Roman, he was still glaring in my direction. I wasn't meeting his eye, however. I didn't want to see what was hiding in his eyes, I didn't want to see his chosen emotion that he thought justified his cruel words.

"No, I won't," Roman said quickly, his voice was low like subdued thunder. Though it wasn't the loud, crackling bang that made you jump out of your skin, it still made you nervous. "You can't talk to her that way."

"I don't know if you forgot, but Lilly is my girlfriend. Actually, I know you haven't forgotten because I've reminded you of that fact about fifty times," Jesse sneered, and miraculously he moved his eyes away from me. He looked towards Roman now, and I didn't have to ponder the emotion in his eyes this time; he was furious. "Which means, I can talk to her however I damn-well please."

I heard the soft gasps of the girls in crowds at his words, and I knew why they were let go from their mouths. Everyone thought Jesse was the sweetest boy in school. That's the thing about Jesse and I, we're both wearing masks. Mine might be painted with lies, but his was too.

Roman's eyes narrowed, as though he couldn't believe the words that came out of Jesse's mouth. He wasn't smiling like the last time they had argued, he wasn't laughing or chuckling. No, this time, his mouth was formed in a hard pressed line.

"I knew you were slow," Roman told him, taking a step forward, "but are you really that pathetic to think you can speak to a girl like that? It doesn't matter if it's your girlfriend, or not. You don't speak to any woman like that."

"And what? I'm supposed to listen to someone like you? I don't think so, buddy. "This doesn't involve you, this involves me and my bitch," Jesse jerked his head towards me in reference.

I closed my eyes as he let the last word escape, not because my feelings were hurt, or because I was in disbelief that he would call me that. Quite the contrary, actually, I wasn't in disbelief at all, he'd called me that word many times before. I closed my eyes because I knew everyone would turn to me, pity in their eyes but also curiosity. I didn't want either, I didn't want them to feel bad for me while simultaneously silently begging for the details they would never get.

I opened my eyes again when I heard Roman speak, knowing that everyone else would look to him too, desperate not to miss the show. Roman looked like a different person now, he looked like how the sky looks before it starts to unleash a dangerous and untameable storm, yet there's no rain falling just yet. It's a miserable grey and it's almost like you can feel the elements begin to swirl in the clouds, creating the unpredictable weather pattern. He looked calm, for the moment. But as equally as he looked calm, he looked dangerous.

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