chapter 44

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KATE GRUNTED AND slammed the door close.

"Does your cat always stare at you as you take a dump?" She asked.

Nia chuckled with difficulty. "No. She just really likes you."

"Well I don't like it," She murmured and watched as Nia balanced in a pose.

Her left leg was stretched out, her right was pressed against the back of her arm and her whole weight was supported on both hands. "What's this pose called, the flying bird?" She asked and chuckled at her own joke.

"No," Nia breathed out. "It's called the flying crow pose."

"It's the same thing," Kate said and grabbed her laptop.

"It's yoga."

Sweat dripped down Nia's back and the tip of her nose as she slowly changed her pose into a headstand.

"Are you done?"

"Almost," Nia replied.

"What would happen if I were to, y'know, push you?" Kate asked staring at the upside down figure of Nia.

Nia gave her a nasty look as she slowly lowered her feet and sat on the yoga mat breathing heavily. "I'd tell you to get rid of that foul thought," she said and wiped the sweat from her brow.

Her phone began ringing just then, and she grabbed it. "Hello?" She asked without looking at the caller ID.

"Child why haven't you been picking my calls?" A shrill voice rang out.

Kate winced upon hearing the voice. It was grandma Maria. She'd met her once, and she knew that she wasn't exactly the easiest old lady to get along with. Like most old people, abuela Maria was difficult, but boy was she nice, in a mean sort of way.

"A-abuela?" Nia stuttered.

"Of course it's your abuela. Did you not save my number muchacha?"

"Yes I did, I just didn't... "


Kate chuckled at the dismissal.

"How have you been mi hermosa nieta de caramelo, you've forgotten all about your poor old abuela in Mexico, haven't you? You want me to give you a good spanking to remind you I'm still alive? Si?"

"What? No grandma, I could never forget you... "

Maria interrupted quickly. "Then why haven't you called?"

"I've been busy... working."

There was a pause before she asked, "Are you lying to me child? I can always tell when you're lying, I can hear your heart racing from there."

Kate burst into laughter. "Did she really just say that?"

"What? Who is that? Is that the devil?" Abuela asked sharply. "Is this on speaker?"

"It's Kate, grandma."

"Kate!" She sang. "My hermosa chica de piel oscura. How are ya muchacha."

"I'm fine grandma. I miss you," Kate said truthfully. Abuela made the best Taco's from scratch.

"Miss you muchacha bonita. Where's Adriana? I want to talk to her."

Nia froze and stared at the phone with wide eyes.

"She... Uh... "

"She's not around now grandma. You know her, she went to visit a friend," Kate said quickly.

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