7. Lauren

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okay i know i said the last chapter was long but this is longer so i DEFO have not proof read :/


Lauren: I can't stop thinking about what happened on your street. Can't stop worrying about you. Are you okay?

Camila: Mostly. How are you?

Lauren: I've been better. Not my favourite day.

Camila: I hate the thought of you having a bad day. I want you to be happy.

Lauren: I'm not unhappy. I'm just worried about you. I feel like an ass. Like I just left you there on the street.

Camila: You're not, but you have a nice ass :) I'm a big girl. I made it home safely. But it's sweet you were worried.

Lauren: Me? Sweet? I still am worried. Is Matthew bugging you?

Camila: Soooo sweet. . . strong, confident, sexy too. He's fine. It will all be fine soon enough. Let's talk about something else. I came up with a new cocktail tonight.

Lauren: Tell me about it.

Camila: It's delish on your lips. . . It's lemonade, vodka and champagne.

Lauren: That describes you. . . Sounds like something that will be beloved by your bar goers.

Camila: It is already. The gal I run the bar with served a ton tonight. Said it was a big hit. Everyone was happy-buzzed too.

Lauren: Sounds like a perfect state of existence. Can I have one of those too? The happy-buss that is.

Camila: Named it for you. . . I call it a Heist. What did you do tonight? If you were on a date, please just tell me you were playing with kittens at a rescue shelter or something instead.

Lauren: No pussy tonight. I saw a play. My favourite kind of story line. (And thank you for the name. Maybe I will taste it sometime)

Camila: Keep it that way! The kind with a plot twist?

Lauren: Good memory. Yes. Call me impressed.

Camila: I remember everything about you. . . So. . . is today getting better for you?

Lauren: Yes. Now it is.

Camila: Tell me a favourite memory from when you were younger. Pumpkin patch visit as a girl in Vegas? Lettering in varsity football? Prom? I bet you were Prom Queen.

Lauren: I was not. . . But I looked good in a tight blue ruffly tux.

Camila: Please tell me there are pictures. I'm dying to see THAT.

Lauren: Lawyers know better than to send self-incriminating evidence.

Camila: Damn that lawyer photo clause. I will just have to imagine you in your tux, and even though you were probably an insanely hot teenage girl, I suppose I really should be perving on you as a woman. An insanely hot woman. And you probably look insanely hot in a tux.

Lauren: Do you have a tux fetish? I suspect any tux I wore would look best with your hands on the buttons.

Camila: I have a you fetish. Am I unbuttoning them?

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