Tale 10

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Tale 10
Tamer of Wolves

Adelina reappeared in a snowy field, the round moon in the sky illuminates what seems like an endless white world of snow.

A large wolf is seated elegantly at the top of a giant rock, his snow-white fur is like the purest lotus flower in a muddy pond. The wolf looks beautiful... and lonesome.

"You must be the Alpha." Adelina said without fear

The wolf seems to sense her fighting spirit so it jumped down from the rock to face her.

Adelina realized that she's surrounded by more than ten wolves. The Alpha mockingly stare at her for challenging him alone.

"You think you can scare me with your number?" Adelina laughed mockingly

In the blink of an eye, the table has turned.

Hundred of Adelina's clones appeared out of thin air. Each possessing different legacies, shocking the wolves.

This must be what Naruto feels like every time he stuns his enemies with his Shadow Clone Jutsu.

"You are so dead." All the Adelinas chuckled

There's no need to elaborate further.

The wolves were beaten up so bad, they wish they were dead.

"Be my dogs, and I'll spare your lives." Adelina said as she smiled kindly, but in the eyes of the wolves, she's smiling like a death reaper.

The wolves who loves to hunt, becomes the prey tonight.


"Fifteen soldiers will come with me to search for the Duchess. The rest will stay here to protect those who cannot fight." Maxwell instructed

"We must hurry your Highness. If something is to happen to the Duchess, I'm afraid the Duke might-" the captain of the Sullivan guards unconsciously reached out to his neck. The Duke made it clear to all his subordinates that he will cut off a head for every scratches in the Duchess body.

The Royal guards suddenly felt sorry for the duke's subordinate upon seeing their sullen faces.

Everyone could only pray that the Duchess is safe.

"Wolves!" one of the guards shouted

And not long after, several wolves jumped from the forest.

A bitter fight suddenly ensued.

"Look out!" Devin slashed down a wolf that appeared behind Luella.

But no matter how many wolves he slashed down, they kept coming!

"J-just how many wolves are out there?" Luella asked in fear

"Lady Sabrina, use your legacy and hide. I can't protect you both." Devin said apologetically because he's outnumbered.

Actually, all the guards were outnumbered so they can only fight to save themselves.

Sabrina is scared, but she knew that she will only burden Devin if she just hide behind him.

"Stay close to his side, stay safe." Sabrina reminded Luella

"B-but Sabrina, w-will you be okay on your own?" Luella is not scared for herself, she's more afraid that something might happen to Sabrina and the Duchess.

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