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Flower buds began to poke out from the bushes covered with snow. Spring was fast approaching and the crystals slowly melted as the sun began to peek from the heavy clouds that gathered in the sky.

Elin had already stayed in the castle for a month now. No one tried to bother her and everything seemed to be running smoothly. She also had been enjoying the company of others but her feelings were still a bit conflicted. The princess was beginning to get worried of her own peaceful life. She now planned to continue her goal of revenge just to protect the life she always wanted from the very beginning.

"Ma, Pops", Elin peered behind the door after knocking a few times.

"Come on in, muffin", Callahan signaled some of his people to give them some privacy.

"I -- I have something to say", Elin sat down beside her mother.

"What is it?", Callahan joined them and sat beside them as well.

"Can I leave?", Elin was hesitant on telling them. They have been taking good care of her and now she wants to leave.

"Can you tell us why?", Nera was very calm on receiving such news.

"I know Nero already told you about what had happened when I left that kingdom", Elin looked down unable to face them.

"I still want to continue", Elin raised her head with conviction.

"Your revenge?", Nera added.

"I know it's kinda petty of me to bury myself with such emotions, but I can't just leave them and do things that may endanger everyone. Maybe such conflict will reach us and... And... I --- I don't want to separate from all of you ever again", Elin felt some mixed emotions.

"And maybe in the near future, I might regret the chances I didn't take", Elin muttered.

"If that is your wish, then we respect your decision, muffin", Nera stroked her daughter's cheeks.

"You are not being petty, child. What I see and hear right now is kindness", Callahan tousled the princess's hair.

"If it was me, I would have burned them down the moment I saw them", the King proudly declared. Elin and Nera giggled at him.

"I will allow you to leave on one condition", Callahan became serious.

"You must train your combat skills with Leo. I still don't trust him but he is one of those people who has qualifications to be called the strongest in the empire", the King was making sure that her daughter could defend herself on her own.

"It seems you're quite dissatisfied Nero", Callahan looked sideways to a spot that was clearly empty.

"I am enough of a trainer for her, your majesty", Nero slowly revealed himself near the lamp's shadow.

"Then why not both of you train her? Two is better than one", the King grinned with excitement.

"Okay, pops. I will comply with your condition. After that, Can I go? Please?", Elin pleaded her father with sad eyes.

"Urkkk", Callahan knew he cannot say no to his darling girl. He signaled his wife for help.

'For someone who is the most powerful in this kingdom, he sure is weak towards his daughter', Nera chuckled at the sight of his husband having trouble declining their daughter.

"Muffin, we will allow you to go after you have defeated the both of them. Furthermore, I will assign them to be with you at all times", Nera explained to the princess.

"It's not like we don't trust you, muffin. We know for sure you are more capable of defending yourself but having someone with you along the way makes your journey a little more enjoyable", Nera added.

"Enjoyable? but this is revenge, ma", Elin giggled.

"Then you're going to enjoy exacting revenge", both laugh at the thought.

"Now, if you need to go there, we need help from someone you know", Callahan suggested.

"Someone I know?", Elin was baffled.

"Yes, he even visited a few days ago", the King continued.

"Who?", Elin was even more bewildered.

"The Crown Prince of Fraus, I heard he is your friend. Although that was not an official visit, hmm? I thought he would say 'Hi' the moment he recognize you. Nero escorted him outside at that time", Callahan rubbed his chin.

"Why do I need his help, pops?", Elin was hesitant.

"Well, If you're going to take revenge, why not go to them directly?", Callahan grinned.

"But ---", Elin was about to reason out but was cut off by her father.

"But you're going to do it silently? Hmmm? You have done that already, muffin. If the plan didn't work before, why not change the plan but not the goal", the King patted Elin's head.

"You really will allow me to do this, ma? Pops? You're not going to stop me midway, right?", Elin was doubtful.

"No, I would be a hypocrite if I say that revenge is bad but I myself do it all the time", Callahan snickered.

"I'm a very patient person and I give plenty of second chances but I'm not going to pretend I'm some saint, because I'm not. I do have limits", the King smiled.

"Aren't you suppose to tell me that revenge is not an option, instead you should prioritize diplomacy", the princess was a bit confused.

"Is that what they thought you? Hmmmm. Possible but why should I be obsessed over the opinions of narrow-minded, one-sided people? What they babble are things that benefit them. They always think for themselves making those who are unfortunate more grievous. Sometimes, you have to give people a taste of their own medicine", Callahan explained.

"I know you have already heard what I did when I lost you. I went on rampage but even so, will you hate me for doing what I needed to do?", Nera asked her daughter.

"No", Elin answered immediately.

"That would be the same for you, muffin. We won't hate you if you do things you wanted because we know for sure that you're not doing this for yourself. You're too kind for that", the Queen gave her a gentle smile.

"Well, I would rather be an open sinner than pretend to be a false saint", Elin mumbled.

"So it seems I need to start my training, ma, pops. I need to go now", Elin stood up and waved them goodbye.

"I need you to be careful, okay?", Nera uttered before the princess left.

"Okay, I will. Don't worry. Nero is here with me", Elin replied before they were gone for good.

"Nero, why didn't you tell me that Edric arrived? That familiar figure I saw was actually my friend, huh?", Elin interrogated him.

"His presence was not of use to you, my Lady", Nero replied.

"Stop calling me that. I told you to continue calling my name instead", Elin was irritated.

"Back to the topic, I need his help now. I was going to let karma slap them in the face but I'm not a very patient person so I must go there and do it on my own. So help me find him, will you, Nero?", Elin asked for help.

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