Chapter 30 - 3x11

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Kaitlyn P

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Kaitlyn P.O.V.


Rebekah cringed slightly at my high-pitched squeal but nonetheless allows me to run over to her and engulf her in a hug. She had texted me to meet her in the Grill. 

"Okay, that's enough physical affection," she cleared her throat and pushed me away, but I could spot the hint of a smile on her face. 

"I'm so glad you're alive again," I smiled brightly, and a few people around me sent us a few confused glances. 

"My wanker of a brother probably wasn't even going to undagger me, but I think he did it for you," she rolled her eyes. 

"For me?" I raised my eyebrows. 

"Yes for you, you daft girl!" she exclaimed in exasperation. "I can't believe you are this clueless. Honestly, it makes me want to bang your head against this table repeatedly."

"Rebekah!" I chastised. "Remember what we said about the unnecessary violent threats!"

"Ugh," she grumbled. "But they make me who I am."

"Okay, I have a question for you," I leaned forward on the table. "Do you think I should join Elena and Alaric in their training lessons?"

"Why would you learn from those pathetic idiots when you have me?" she smirked. "I'm a much better trainer than they are. Besides, aren't you still mad at Elena?"

"Valid points," I sighed. "And I'm not that mad at her anymore, I mean, she did let you go."

"After she daggered me on the night of the school dance! Which I had been looking forward to go to!" Rebekah added angrily. "In fact, I think I should pay her a visit."

"You will do no such thing," I said firmly. "You wanted to integrate nicely in Mystic Falls, remember? And killing a girl who has the security force of a military is not the way to do it!"

"Hmph. So catch me up on the drama? Has Stefan given back the family coffins?"

"No not yet. And I don't even know where they are," I crossed my arms. "At first I thought they were at this freaky little witch house, but it was completely empty."

"They could have been cloaked."

"Yeah..but Bonnie would tell me, right?" I asked uneasily, not sure what I could assume of my friends anymore. 

"If you say so," Rebekah shrugged. 

"So tell me about your family," I suggested in curiosity. "How many siblings are there?"

"Well, in total I have 5 brothers. Henrik died a long time ago and then you already know Elijah and Klaus. The others are called Finn and Kol. My mother is also dead."

"I'm sorry," I said quietly. "Wait, did you say Kol?"

The name wasn't that unique, was it? I mean, surely it was just a coincidence that her brother had the same name as my ex-lover. 

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