Full Moon

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"Where have you been?" Lyric asked when Kieran came into the bedroom.

"Out for a run," he said with a laugh. "Three days before the Moon, I get all this energy and running is the best way to rid it. Don't you get all energized before a Moon?" he asked as he stripped off his shirt.

"I do, but it more manifests as anxiety than energy for me," she whispered. "My wolf is more active and I spend most of my time fighting her down."

Of course, he thought, feeling guilty. How could I be so thoughtless?

"I'm so sorry," he whispered.

"It's ok," she laughed. "I'm used to it by now. I'm just glad I haven't had a panic attack like I usually do."

"Well that's good."

I wonder if she will run with me this Moon, he thought as he went to the bathroom to shower. I won't ask her to. That wouldn't be right, but god, would it ever be nice if she did run with me. He showered and shaved and went back to the bedroom. Lyric was on the balcony, looking at the forest before them, and he just stood silently beside her.

"I don't think I can run with you this Moon," she exhaled and he could smell salt. She was crying silently. "Please don't ask me to. I don't think I can. Maybe ever."

"I would never ask you to do something you're not ready for," he sighed, pulling her to him. "I know how hard it would be on you, Lyric."

She started sobbing and turned her face into his chest. Guilt consumed him. He desperately wanted her to turn and run with him, but he knew that she probably couldn't handle the change: physically or mentally. Lyric clutched at his back and he rubbed her back and shoulders. He allowed her to get all of the pent up emotions out and didn't tell her when she sprouted a tail for a split second. After several moments of crying, she finally seemed to gain composure, and looked up at him.

"I--," she started, turning a deep red.

"Don't worry about it," he smiled, kissing her forehead.


The night of the Moon had arrived. Lyric was a bundle of nerves. Her wolf was constantly screaming at her to be let loose and she was constantly barring the very idea. She was exhausted. Kieran was just the opposite. He was just a bundle of energy; running multiple times every day—including running at night. He also slept like a rock while she tossed and turned, unable to catch sleep. Her mate had informed her that the first Moon as a mated couple was intimately special; while everyone else gathered on the hill to change as a Pack, the two of them would find a secluded spot in the woods. And he kept informing her that she didn't have to change at all, but she did have to go with him.

"You about ready?" he asked, making her jump. He was dressed in loose clothing and had a wild look in his eyes. "The Moon will be coming up any time now. We may have to hustle to get to the spot I have picked."

"I'm as ready as I could ever be," she grumbled, standing up and taking the hand when it was offered. "Kieran, do I have to go with you?"

RUN WITH HIM! Her wolf howled in her head. BE FREE WITH HIM! She gave her head a small shake.

"I'm afraid so, princess," he said softly, leading the way down to the hill. "Just to keep up appearances. You can always come back to the house once I change."

Guilt consumed her. Here she was, too afraid to change with her mate, while they had a special place to change and miles of forest to run in, and he was more concerned about her. She couldn't change, she just couldn't risk it. Her wolf was violent and unpredictable. But she had to do this for Kieran. Had to at least make an appearance.

The Pack clapped and cheered as they walked out hand in hand along the rolling hill. Lyric felt herself blush and tried to not make direct eye contact with any Pack member, instead looking at noses and eyebrows as they walked toward the forest. She could feel the energy coming off of her mate in large waves and even swore she felt his hand tremble a moment in hers. Once they were in the woods, he broke into a jog, tugging her along, then a full run. Before long they came to a clearing and she could see the full moon starting to peek over the tops of the trees.

"I have to hurry," he whispered. Lyric let out a squeak as he stripped off all of his clothes. "I'm sorry but I don't want to ruin them, I may be able to remember to come back here before I change back. Lyric, I--," he stopped. Her eyes went wide as he grunted and doubled over in what looked like an immense amount of pain. "It's happening," he growled. His voice was more of a husk than actual words.

Black fur sprouted all over his body and she could hear the bones cracking and snapping beneath his skin. He fell to his hands and knees, crying out in what she imagined to be pain but sounded like pleasure, and he looked up at her. Green eyes glowed from behind a forming muzzle and she could swear he was trying to grin at her. In seconds, a large black wolf stood before her, and she was breathless. He was beautiful. Before she could stop herself, she reached a hand out and caressed the side of Kieran's large head. He let out a low happy growl and leaned into her touch. Her wolf was positively screaming at her and she had to close her eyes. It wasn't just her wolf now, her whole body was screaming to change. Her skin felt like it was burning on the inside and itched furiously on the out; her toes kept curling and uncurling against her will and her breathing was so fast it was enough to make her light headed. Kieran let out a low whine and she knew what he wanted. He wanted her to run with him.

"I can't," she whimpered.

You can and you WILL! Her wolf snarled.

That was the last thing she heard in her head before the world went black. 

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