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"Everything's frozen, nothing but you and I."


A nagging voice in my head told me not to go to the party tonight.

What if my father came back? My sister would be defenseless and so would my mother.

What if Carl and his gang found me at the party? They wouldn't hesitate to murder me on the spot—or worse.

I loosed a breath as I tugged on my charcoal-colored jacket and stood in the mirror. No costume, but I wore all black clothing. For Halloween night, the attire seemed appropriate. I practiced a smile in the mirror but I let it quickly fall. There was no amount of smiles that would get me in the mood to attend this party.

Really, I had nothing against partying. Partying was an essential part of life, but not when a person was constantly fighting an uphill battle.

I nearly jumped when I heard the chime of the doorbell through the house. I grabbed my cellphone and raced downstairs, opening the door to meet a sparkling Grace. Her short dress was covered in silver sparkles that matched her insanely high heels. Her eyes were a dark purple shade with small silver rhinestones above her eyes lashes. She was 90% skin, and it felt almost disrespectful to look at her.

"Did your brother approve of this?," were the first words out of my mouth. I instantly regretted them, because her smile faltered.

"I'm an alien!," she protested. "What's there to approve of?"

I laughed and locked the front door behind me, ignoring the dread I felt.

"Do all aliens look like that?," I inquired. "I thought they were supposed to be discreet."

She rolled her eyes and started the engine once we were in the car. "I'm matching with Stacy. She has our costume props at the party."

"So, you both decided on 'sexy alien'?," I teased.

She gave me a small smile, "You think I look sexy?," she mused.

I shrugged, "Yeah, I sort of want to keep you all to myself."

The both of us laughed, but I could have sworn I saw a violent blush shade Grace's cheeks.


The house was compressed by rowdy teenagers. Girls with little dresses like Grace's. Boys with masks. The dance floor was everywhere; on the stairs, in the kitchen, the living room, and the big space in front of the DJ.

It smelled of alcohol, vomit, and sweat. The smell of Halloween night at Stacy's house. 

"Let's dance!," Grace shouted at me over the music.

I shook my head. "Absolutely no—."

Grace grabbed hold of my hand and dragged me towards the big space in front of the DJ before I could properly refuse. People from the back knocked into me as they jumped to the music. In front of me, Grace swayed her hips and put her hands up, enjoying herself. It wasn't long before a boy from our grade asked her to dance with him. His name was Henry; he wore a pirates costume. Overall, he was no harm. So, I left Grace under his supervision and made my way to get a drink.

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