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Michonne and Adira knew they were being followed.

Michonne sliced a body and began writing out a message for them. She placed two arms, spelling out a 'G'. Then she grabbed two legs and made them spell an 'O'. She placed the back of the body after that.

"You sure they're smart enough to understand that?" Adira asked, holding her hand out in front of her eyes to shield them from the bright sun. The native woman then bent down and stuck two fingers into the blood and let a pair of lines run down her forehead, over her eye, and end at her jaw.

"I hope so. What are you doing?" She asked, seeing her dip her whole hand in now.

"Come here." Adira said. Michonne slowly walked over with furrowed eyebrows and scrunched her face up when Adira placed her hand on the side of her face. Michonne's whole body froze and her face twisted in disgust.

Adira then did the same thing but to herself on the other side of her face that didn't have the two lines.

"What do they mean?" Michonne asks before pulling her book bag over her shoulder.

"The hand means we're skilled in combat. You with your sword, me with... everything I guess." Adira really had no reason to do that. But she believed that the markings would aid them in the fight to come.

The women ended up hiding between the trees. Watching as the men tried figuring out Michonne's message. They were truly stupid. It took them almost an hour to figure it out. And they wouldn't have figured it out until the youngest one explained it to them.

Having enough of this, Adira snapped a twig on purpose, causing the group to pull out their guns. "What the deal, Michonne? Hmm? You gonna leap out of the woods, one against four? Oh wait, right, you have a little kid helping you."

An arrow suddenly skimmed his face and lodged itself in the tree behind him. The youngest one gasped loudly and flinched closer to Merle.

"Next one goes in your brain, redneck." They hear a voice say from far away. Merle shoots in that direction. "Wow, you really are that stupid." They hear the voice from behind them and he shot at it again.

"Oh you're going to pay for that." He says while looking out into the forest. From behind him, Michonne jumps down from a tree and slices the neck of the two men before they could even think. Mere shot four bullets at her but Michonne shielded herself with a body.

The young one raised his arm hesitantly. Perhaps he had never shot someone. He aimed his gun at Michonne but before his finger could pull the trigger, an arrow pierced his arm.

Merle continued firing at Michonne and wouldn't stop until she falls behind a tree. Michonne quickly got up and continued running with Merle closely behind her.

Adira decided to leave the boy to suffer alone and ran after her friend. Merle stoped in a small clearing, pointing his gun in every direction. "We having fun yet?!"

He couldn't see them and he finally ran back to the boy. The two ended up stabbing their friends in the heads, not letting them turn. And with a lot of convincing, Merle and the boy set off to find the girls.

They stopped at a small clearing and looked around. The boy stood behind Merle, shaking and clutching his bloody arm. Merle suddenly realized Michonne is behind them and grabs the boy from the shirt, making Michonne only slightly slice his chest. The two fight and for a little before Adira throws her bow and quiver and runs over to help.

She wrapped her legs around merles neck from behind and twists her body to make him fall hard on his back. Swiftly, Adira did a somersault and quickly stood up. A few biters make their way over and start trying to get Merle.

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