Chapter 25

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Sam's POV

Within minutes we were outside the palace. Mom and aunt were crying.

We send search team to find Roy.

The guards found the girl near the pack border with a note.

"are you OK?"Mom asked the girl who was now sitting near her mom.

"They took him." She said.

"Do you remember something?" Queen asked.

She shakes her head. As no.

It has been three days.

I am searching for Roy with some tracker.

Rossy was also missing.

I swear if she has something to do with this. I will rip her head.

Axy Growled at me for saying this.

Everyone assured me telling that She has nothing to do with this. But i am not going to hear this anymore.

I had lost my trust once. I trust her by bringing her with me but she just left without any information.

"Beta look there."One of the tracker said.

It was early morning. I used my wolf sense to see.

Roy's scent and my mate's sent hit me. I ran towards the direction.

Both of them were unconscious.

"Take them back NOW." Axy was minutes away from losing control.

We speed our pace to infirmary.

"Jonathon make sure both of them should be OK. OTHERWISE I WILL PERSONALLY KILL YOU" I growled at him.

I nodded at uncle and aunt. Mom and Dad were also there.

"Clean all the wounds on Alpha's body. I will treat Rossy."Dr Jonathon said.

"No first treat Roy then you can treat her." I ordered.

"Beta She needs treatment now immediately . Otherwise she will DIE. Alpha's condition is not that bad he will be treated by the other doctor. Even his wounds have started to heal. "He growled.

"I don't give a shit. Treat him fast." Why can he understand that she can be traitor.

"Beta.." I growled at him causing him to instantly shut up.

The nurses were treating Rossy wound while the doctors took Roy to the room.

I instantly went to the forest to clear my mind. It has been nearly four hours.

Axy was growling in my head causing a great headache. But I ignored him.



Well I think it was not so good for Sam to treat Rossy like that.

I hate myself now for writing this.

But he has his reason.

Good news I have my last paper tomorrow then I can think what should I write for chapter 31.

Till then enjoy the chapter.....


Royal beta's rejected mateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon