19: Wanna come for movie night?

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Why is my head hurting so bad? I don't remember looking at the laptop screen too much.

Oh yes. Why did she ask that fucking question? What happened after?

I opened my eyes to the dim room. The curtains were thankfully closed, but I could tell it was daytime. What time in the daytime?

11: 42, what the...I am late for the office!

Shit shit shit....should I take a leave? I want to, but I never took a day off. I groaned loudly, lying down back with my eyes closed. I am too tired for anything.

I tried to recollect anything of last night. All I remembered was drinking in the bar thinking of them, and then... taking a bath?

I looked down at my clothes and I was fairly sure I wasn't wearing what I was yesterday evening. I was just in sweatpants and no shirt.

Urg, too tired to think. I will just ask Athena when she comes.

Oh, I remember something after I took the bath.

I fucking kissed her. I kissed those plump lips which spit mostly rubbish. I asked if I could cuddle into her. I mean, what the fuck was I thinking? Right, I wasn't thinking. Still, that's bullshit. What if I led her?

Don't think, your head is hurting.

I suddenly noticed an aspirin and a glass of water on the dresser beside the alarm. Possibly Shane. Or Julie

Maybe Athena.

In desperation to free myself from my pounding head, I gulped it down quickly. It will kick in soon, that was my only relief now.

Get up you lazy ass, you have an empire to run.

I flung my legs off the bed, not really wanting to get out though. I took the glass and drank more water and that's when I noticed a sticky note on the dresser.

Huh? I pulled it off and immediately recognized Athena's handwriting.

I know you have a lot of questions, so stay in bed and relax. I had urgent work and needed to go, I will be back by evening. 

PS. Shane is with me, he will be back by 1. I called your secretary to say you took a day off. Please don't be mad, you need it.

Great. She seemed to take care of everything.

I wasn't mad, I was actually happy. No office for a day. Ahh...

But what's the use? I wanted to stay in bed longer, but my stomach growled so I got up and freshened. My head feeling better I walked into the kitchen, only to see another sticky note on a covered package on the kitchen island.

You gave the maids a day off today even though yesterday was Sunday, so I made food.

Please. I always go out, I came here for a chocolate shake.

As if she knew what I was thinking, I read the rest of the note and couldn't help the small curve of my lips.

No, don't think about throwing it away or going out, eat it all.

Oh well. I looked around to see yet another sticky note on the fridge. Hmm, she loves sticky notes huh?

Don't frown at the thought of eating breakfast from home. Open up the fridge, there is one sure thing you love in this world.

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