When you left them on read

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Confused why did you left him on read because you usually reply fast but when you finally replied would be relieved (marufok)


Will go to your house to check what are you doing or what happened when he saw you would ask why did you left him on read


Will be worried but wont mind it at the same time because he thinks you're too lazy too reply


Hes more likely the one that will leave you on read or wont reply so he wouldn't mid it at all


would spam you a lot of selfie or messages until you reply he wont give up and will wait for your reply


Will facetime you and ask why did you left him on read when you said you're busy would let you do your stuffs


This boy wont really care at all i think because hes always leaving you on read he thinks that was a payback for him

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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