The Mysterious Cat

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"......" = talking

Ariana's pov

"It seems the delegation from faunus will be staying longer."
"Is that so?"
"The second prince of......"

I heard some maids's talking while walking down the hall way of emerald palace. I guess I'll be able to find the reason behind the forest scent.

"Princess! Where are you going?"

At lily's question, I look back at her and answer.

"I'm going to the green house."

Then, lily didn't say a word since I frequetly go there after lucy absorbment. Athy is still studying in her room so I'm going alone. Studying indoor is boring. I wonder how I was able to live in my past life. I froze at my own thought and a while later I smirk. Well, what could I do when there was shackles holding me?

As always, I enter from the back door. The moment I enter inside, a familiar forest scent welcome me. I hurrily run toward the direction of the scent. And I saw....a cat under my cherry tree. The brown fur cat is sleeping peacefully.

"Who are you?"

Of all questions I can ask, I wonder why I asked this. And what if the cat suddenly answers my question. That would be a horror. A horror!


Suddenly a sound pop up! I look around but there is no one here expect from me and the cat. I feel a chill running down my spine.

"How can you see me?"

I'm sure now. The cat is the one talking. While the two being are looking at each other with a surprised face, the cat suddenly run away.


I shout as I follow the cat. Then, the cat pass through the wall of the green house. Even a cat can do a magic spell even I can't do. My pride crush!...but I'll just teleport for now.

Following the cat, I lost sight of it along with the forest scent. I'm sure it was around here. I saw something green fluttering in the air and grab it.

"Ouch!...princess?" is the second faunus prince. Isn't this where the delegation from faunus are staying. Just how far did I run? I look back what I am grabing. There is bunch of purple hair in my hand. I thought it was green for a moment.

"I apologize! When I was following..."

"There is no need to make excuse. I understand."

Huh? Excuse? I was telling truth though. And isn't it consider rude to interrupt when the other is talking? He is quite arrogant!

"Since you've come here, why don't you have some tea with me?"

"No, it's ok."

"There is no need to be that shy. I understand your intention to see me but this is the least I can do this much favor so please don't reject it."

What nonsense is this dude spouting? Shy? Intention? Favor? Is this the way of talking in faunus?

"The tea has been prepared. Please sit here, your highness."

Wait! When did the maids prepare the tea? And when did I say I'll stay here?
Haa..but since things have come to this,let's quickly drink a cup and leave.

"You can ask anything you want, if it is a thing I can, I'll answer."

He said while making a 'it can't be help' expression. He is a weirdo! I should keep my distance from him after today.

"Then can you talk me about your hometown?"

" wanna know how I've grown this like this?.....blah.....blah......."

Then, he said nonsense about himself for a long time. But I get some useful information from that talk. There are many magical beasts so the knights have to go once in a while to fight with them so the beast wouldn't come into town. And seem like he doesn't have a good relationship with his older half brother, the crown prince and the current emperor didn't seem to be in good conditions these days.(supposed to be a secret.)

Magical beast? Lucas once mentioned that I'd be able to control animals if I try. Is it also include magical beasts? Maybe I'll be able to achieve my goal of raising an army with animals.

"I have to go back now."

I farewell to him when looking at the time. I head back toward the emerald palace. Gasp! I forget to find the cat. Haa....maybe another time.


Adrian's pov

I look at the back of the princess from far away. When she is completely out of my sight, I whisper a name.


A brown cat appears in the air as I call its name. But the noisy cat talk as soon as it appears.

"What is that human? Do you know her, master?"

I frown at the cat's words and asked.

"What wrong with the princess?"

"Princess? The daughter of that psycho strong emperor? No wonder!"

"Answer my question!"

I demand the cat who is talking by itself.

"Her mana is can I say? To say in the simplest way, she is a very strong person."

Strong?That fragril looking princess? I doubt the cat's words and asked again.

"How much?"

"On per with our king or maybe more than that. My instint tells me to run away whenever she is near. But I think my friends would be found of her. She has a pleasant scent."

"Cut out your impure thoughts and go back. Don't come out until I call."

"You are so mean, master. But I'll be busy for a few days. I'm going to greet the king. It has been many years since I last greet the king."

Then, the cat disappears and my hair return to purple. This power is useful but also annoying. I just want to live quietly without any attentions. But what can I do when I have too many talents. I am too perfect.

I look at the spot where the princess was sitting a while ago. Her jewels eyes are beautifully shining while listening to my talk.( about magical beast not about him.) Then a smile appears on her face and also her sweet voice.......

Gasp! What am I thinking? Suddenly I can feel my face burning. And without me knowing, I am smiling at the thoughts about her.

How can I reject a princess who has deeply fallen in love with me? I chuckle to myself.

who made me a non existent princess???Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ