Chapter 4 | New Friend, New Trollhunter

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Liz Walker POV

Throughout Arcadia Oaks High, the school bell rang, signaling to everyone that it was the end of class. Liz sighed in relief that the school day was over, not that she wasn't glad to be there since she would rather be in actual school than being homeschooled, but because she was exhausted. She had a dream last night and felt exhausted when she woke up this morning. Every time she sleeps nowadays, she always finds herself in a dream, only to wake up the following day feeling drained and remembering some of her dreams. As for last night's dream, the boy came to mind with his name, Jimmy.

As everyone around her got up from their seats, Liz stayed seated as she glanced outside the window on her left, thinking about her connection to this person. Now that she feels about it, the name Jimmy seems similar to...

Suddenly, a tap on Liz's right shoulder interrupted her thoughts. Liz turns to see a dark brunette with blue streaked side-bangs and dark brown eyes wearing a light purple turtleneck shirt with a darker pink skull and the word "HAMLET" under a short dark purple jacket, a short blue skirt, gray leggings with black shoes, and a lot of colorful barrettes in her hair. The girl before her smiles. "Hi, I'm Claire Nunez."

With a smile of her own, Liz introduced herself. "Nice to meet you, Claire. I'm Elizabeth Walker, but you can call me Liz. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Claire brings out a flyer from her bag and hands it to Liz. "We're currently looking for people to audition, and I was wondering if you would like to audition for the school play."

Liz examines the flyer and looks up at Claire. "This sounds interesting, but I'm afraid I don't seem to recognize the story, Romeo and Juliet?"

Claire's eyes widen, and her jaw slacks. "You never heard of Romeo and Juliet, the most famous tragic love story in history?!"

Liz quirks an eyebrow and tilts her head slightly to the side. "Umm, no. I don't believe so. I'm not much of a romantic, you see." If you ask me, I am more of a fighter than a lover.

Claire shakes her head in disbelief. "We have to fix that. Tell you what, you should come over to my place! I'll gladly explain the story to you; perhaps we can get to know each other better. I'll also give you all the details about Arcadia Oaks High and the best hotspots in town. What do you say, Liz?"

Liz blinked. This is something she did not expect to happen to her today. But the thought of making new friends makes her smile. She hardly has female friends her age since she has been surrounded by males her whole life. So far, there's only been one, but she lives in New Jersey. It's nice to make new ones now that she's back in Arcadia. Liz nods and smiles. "That sounds great. I would love to, Claire."

Claire grinned in excitement. "Perfect! Let's go!"


Liz has to admit she enjoyed herself after hanging out with Claire. Claire was adamant about teaching Liz about Shakespeare's famous tragic love story. Liz found it more entertaining seeing how Claire perceives this timeless piece than learning the story itself, but she wouldn't tell her that.

The night was approaching Arcadia Oaks as Liz exited the Nunez Estate with her skateboard. Liz glanced up at her new friend from the sidewalk. "I had a great time, Claire. Thanks for introducing me to Romeo & Juliet. And for the tips about Arcadia Oaks High and the local hotspots. I'll be sure to stop by the Bluff as well."

Claire leaned against the doorway. "You're welcome. It is always a pleasure to share one's passion. We should hang out again sometime. Oh, and don't forget to come to the audition. I think you have potential."

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