Act 5A

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Someone comes out of the dark, illuminated by the nearby candles. It's kind of dim, but I can recognize her well... It's Glenda!

Louis relaxes, seeing that there's no threat. "Glenda...?!" he exclaims.

"You guys! What are you doing here? And... What happened to you, Louis?" she says.

"Long story," I answer for him. "We found some weird door in Louis's basement, and now we're here. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Jacob... I... I've been here for so long, Jacob... some strange witch girl trapped me here and i've been living here ever since! I'm so happy you've come to rescue me!~" she answers.

"We didn't come here to... oh, never mind," Louis says. "Do you know where the witch is? She cursed me and we're trying to get her to reconsider."

"Reconsider? Oh, I don't know... she seems very unreasonable. She's been forcing me to make costumes and props for these awful high school programs. My feet hurt from wearing these heels!"

"Then take them off," I say.


"Well... do you know where she is?" Louis asks.

"Oh, uh, well... she comes here sometimes to assess the progress I've made, so... you can stay here, I guess. Just don't touch the props," she answers, walking over to her drafting table.

Louis and I exchange glances.

"Well, that was easy," he says.

"...No kidding," I nod.

We take a seat on a stone bench. I know I should be glad, but something about this situation gives me an uneasy feeling. It's way too uneventful, and I'm not just talking about this poor writing. I feel like a cow, unaware of its impending slaughter. I stand up.

"Um, you know, I'm thirsty. I think I'll go back to the basement for a bottle of water," I say.

Glenda turns around. "Er, are you sure? She'll be here any minute now. I think you could wait just a little bit longer."

"Um, no, that's fine. Louis's the only one who needs to talk to her, anyway."

I take a few more steps.

"Stop!" she calls out. But this time, her voice sounds weird. It's like a choir of many different voices talking all at once. My hair stands on end. I can see Louis standing up in my peripheral vision.

Suddenly, Glenda jumps up, throwing her hand out. From it, a burst of light emitted, and once it hit me, my muscles went numb until I fell to the floor, completely paralyzed.

"Jacob!" Louis screams, running towards me. But Glenda does the same thing to him and he falls to the ground next to me.

Glenda laughs maniacally. "Gotcha, bitch!"

"G-Glenda... what the hell...?" I say.

"All this time... you've been working with Ayumi?!" Louis shouts.

"Working with Ayumi? I am Ayumi!"

"Y-You... you're the witch?!" I gasp.

"Thaaaat's right, bestie! I fooooled you! Glenda isn't even real, I maaaade her up!"

"What do you want from us? You've already cursed me!" Louis asks.

"Well, I've got complex motives, you see"

"Oh brother," I roll my eyes.

She continues. "First of all, I'm fucking petty. Second of all, I need your souls. No hard feelings, I just need them to perform a ritual that'll reverse the effects of that awful gas my brother inhaled. You see, it all started in the 1920s when these scientist guys found this crystal thing and..."

My mind wanders out of boredom. I look Louis in the eyes. Something about his face registers recognition when the witch mentions her brother. How odd...

Just how are we getting out of this one?

The witch notices our bored expressions. "Ok, fine, I can read the room. If you boys aren't interested in my story, I'll get right on to the spell."

She turns around, probably to finish preparing the magic or something.

I can barely move my arms, but I manage to slowly inch them towards Louis. Louis gets the same idea, moving his hands to touch mine, a tear falling down his fur-covered cheek. So, I guess this is how it ends.

"Ooook besties, it's my time to shine! Aw, look, you're holding hands. Anyway..." she begins reading from her spellbook while waving her hand around. We don't have much time.

choice a: kiss Louis


choice b: smile

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