32. A forever worth of kisses

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Harlan had ditched out on me. Well not really but he was running late which meant I was going to have to go to his moms house on my own. He was going to be driving straight from work to dinner and I was guessing that I'd probably show up before him.

I would've killed him but I had been to dinners at that house a million times. I was as comfortable there as I was at my own home. Still he'd have to make it up to me for throwing me to the hypothetical wolves without him.

I was debating if I should wait a bit to make sure that he was there before me but I didn't want to be late for the dinner I was showing up as Harlan's girlfriend for the first time. I didn't want Harlan's mom to think I didn't care about making a good impression just because she already knew me.

Which was why I was pulling up to the house a few minutes early. The one good thing was that Jade's car was already parked in the driveway. I wasn't going to be completely on my own for this.

I had to shake the slight nerves from my hands as I walked up to the door. This was going to go well, I didn't have to create any doubts.

I knocked on the door and within seconds it flew open and Harlan's mom stood there.

"Oh hi Ava, Jade didn't tell me you were coming." She ushered me in.

I opened my mouth to respond but she started talking again before I could.

"It's not that you aren't welcome. Of course you can come to dinner whenever I love having you around. I'm just nervous about this dinner. Did you know about Harlan's girlfriend? He won't tell me anything but she's coming today and I'm slightly worried." She rambled off.

It was very clear that Harlan had decided to leave out the detail that I was his girlfriend. I really wished he was here so I could smack him but he wasn't so I was going to let him deal with it.

"You're worried?" I questioned as I followed her into the kitchen.

"Well he wouldn't tell me anything about her and after Stephanie I don't know if I trust his taste in women. You heard about what she did to poor Nate. He dropped out of school, changed his whole life because of it." His mom just shook her head.

The whole situation was not good with what happened between Nate and Stephanie. His sophomore year of college Stephanie got pregnant and once the baby was born she dashed out on both of them and Nate dropped out and got two jobs just to support his daughter. Everyone tried to help him out the best we could but he had moved a few states away so it wasn't as easy to offer our services to him.

"Mom I told you not to worry about this. I've met Harlan's girlfriend and if she wasn't right for him you wouldn't be meeting her today." Jade came over to join the conversation.

She gave me a look which let me know she was also waiting to let Harlan deal with the fact he didn't tell his mom who he was dating.

"I know but I'm just protective over my little duckings. I want Harlan to be happy like you are and I want him to find his person. I don't want him to get hurt or taken advantage of."

"Harlan's a big boy, he can take care of himself." Jade said.

"You sure about that?" I teased.

Jade chuckled and just shook her head at me.

The sound of the door opening stopped the conversation. Harlan strode into the kitchen with a huge smile on his face. And much to his mother's surprise alone.

"Where is she?" She asked without even a greeting.

"Hello to you too mom." He laughed and then threw his arm around me. "Hi." He smiled down at me.

I could stop my own smile. Even though I was annoyed that he hadn't told his mom that it was me I was stupidly in love with him. Just seeing him made me smile and set off fireworks in my chest.

His mother took one look at the two of us and realized what exactly was going on. She did the one thing I had wanted to do when I found out he didn't tell his mom it was me, she walked right up to him and smacked him on the back of the head.

"Ouch. What was that for?" Harlan frowned and rubbed the back of his head.

"Why didn't you tell me your girlfriend was Ava?" His mom crossed her arms and stared down her son.

"I was letting it be a fun surprise."

"It was, she told me about how you have awful taste in women and she was worried about who you'd walk through the door with." I laughed.

"Oh I'm sorry Ava I wouldn't have said that stuff if I had known that my son had actually made a good choice for once in his life and tricked you into falling for him." His mom replied apologetically.

"I'm glad you seem to have a lot of faith in me." Harlan rolled his eyes.

"I just know you very well." She shrugged.

I nodded in agreement. It was a real miracle Harlan and I had actually gotten ourselves together and made it work between us.

"You know I wouldn't have invited Ava if I knew it was going to be shit on Harlan day. I don't need you guys to change her mind." Harlan squeezed my side slightly as if I was going to walk away.

I wasn't going to. I think we both knew I wouldn't. He was stuck with me and when I said that I meant it with my whole chest.

I loved this guy with everything I had.

"I honestly don't think you have to worry about that. She grew up with you and somehow still decided she wanted to be with you. Not much can scare her away at this point." Jade told him.

"You're stuck with me." I agreed.

"No one I would rather be stuck with." He leaned down to kiss me but I stopped him.

"Not in front of your family." I shook my head.

He frowned slightly. I did miss his kisses even though it had been just a day but we had time for it later.

We'd have a forever worth of kisses.

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