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"Boys do not ache for their father's masculinity. They ache for their fathers' hearts." T. Real



Alex searched the plantation, daring not to ask any of the labourers if they had seen the two white men who had been spotted on the plantation the day before.

He walked swiftly, ran through fields, and absolutely tested his once brilliant strength, pushing himself to keep moving as quickly as he possibly could. As he moved, Alex's heart thundered in his chest, and it was hard to decide whether that was because he was running about like a madman, or if it was because he was about to come face to face with his father once again ... and this time, Captain Whitfield knew who he was.

It was only after searching through every field that Alex returned to the ruin that once was Master's house. If he closed his eyes, he could still vividly see the man standing out on the upstairs porch, looking out on all he owned like a king. The house, itself, was uninhabitable, but Alex did remember that there had once been a cellar underneath the house where all the fine French wine had once been kept.

Alex raced around the back of the house and found the rotted, wooden doors that led down into the old cellar. A rusted chain, which Alex presumed had been draped over the handles, was on the ground beside the door, and Alex knew that this was now the most likely option.

The doors were practically rotted through and nearly crumbled as Alex pulled them open, one by one. Sunlight streamed down into the cellar from above, illuminating a set of stone steps. The smells emanating from inside were musty and old, and Alex knew that anything of value was long gone.

"Are you down there?" he called. Looking around, Alex added, "It is safe to come out."

Not a minute later did Alex hear movement from within the cellar, and moments after that did he see the face of Adam Beresford appear on the steps, ascending up towards the sunshine. Adam was followed by Captain Whitfield, and Alex helped both men to climb out from the cellar.

When he grasped the hand of the captain and pulled, their eyes met, and Alex saw the recognition. Of course, the captain knew him. They had travelled together and had become acquaintances. But now there was recognition, connection ... a bond.

"Susanna?" pressed Adam before Alex could say anything. "Where is Susanna? Did you find her? Is she alright?"

Alex met Adam's worried stare. "Yes, she is safe," he confirmed. "I found her safe and well." Did he dare tell the duke that in order to get Susanna safely out of the Palais du Gouvernement he'd had to pretend that they were married? Did he dare tell the duke that ... that he really wished it were not a lie?

Alex elected to keep his head in that moment. "Please, come with me," he urged. "I will take you to her. Walk behind me, not at my side." They would once again be spotted, and Alex knew that the smartest thing to do would be to have the white men appear subservient, and not equal or superior.

They were, of course, stared at and approached by the workers and labourers on the plantation, but Alex offered words of reassurance as they moved quickly towards the empty field. Susanna was easy to spot in and amongst the field of tents, washing lines, and firepits. Her golden hair shone brilliantly in the sun as she sat beside Belle, who had ventured out from inside the tent.

Adam spotted Susanna instantly as well and broke away from them as he ran towards her, calling out Susanna's name.

Alex watched as Susanna's head snapped around when she heard her name, and she rose to receive her brother. 

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