Lets play girlfriend and boyfriend

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"Guys stop I don't like this game" you said to Jennifer and needy who were currently making out

They pulled away and Jennifer looked into her eyes

She pulled you closer to her before kissing your lips

You pulled away shocked. What was happening.

"Relax were only playing girl friend and boyfriend" she kissed you again running her hand down your side

You pulled her away again

"Jennifer this is weird..I'm outtie" you stood up

"Come on don't be like that" she teased making sure to poke her chest out

You started to walk out. And she ran to you before you could reach your car

"It was friendly"

"What?!" You asked

"Needy just needed some attention in nit into her or anything"

"Don't worry Jennifer o won't tell anyone that your gay" yiu said trying to get past her so you could get in the car

"I'm not gay" you gave her the 'oh really' look "bit for needy at least" she added

"Get in" you said bluntly and she did a little dance the passenger door you tired to hide your smile

"You know I didn't really mind" you said after a minute


"The making out. I just didn't want there to be any opportunities for needy to try and kiss me" she chuckled

"She's really not that bad"

"Jennifer she literally hates me..I'm genuinely afraid of her" you laughed and so did she when you pulled up to your house you invited her In and took her to your room

"I'm ready to play" you announced

"Okay what?"

"Girlfriend and boyfriend duh!"

"As you wish" You started to kiss her aggressively

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