Chapter- 14

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Flashback Continues

"Brae, what was that ?" I heard Bri burst in through the door. I wiped away my tears and walked past her into the kitchen with her following me.

"I want answers, Brae. How can you leave Evan at the altar in front of everyone?" I put the bottle of water down before taking a deep breath. I was already angry at Bri but didn't want to shout at her.

"That was the only option I had." I let out a vague answer. I didn't want to discuss anything at that moment.

"What are you saying? For what reason in the world would you do that to him?" My self-control broke when she shouted at me.

"For you. I did it for you.To save your stupid ass." I yelled back.

"What do you mean?" She looked confused and that was pissing me off even more.

"Why did you sign the contract for a stripper's job ?" I gritted through my teeth and saw the colour fade from her eyes.

"H-how do you..." She was stuttering. Was she asking how did I know when she was the one who should have told me about it?

"What ? How do I know?...... Kate! Kate showed me your signature on it." I snarled. I haven't spoken like that to Brae in my life but I was beyond frustrated to care for any damn thing in the world.

"Brae-" I cut her off.

"Why do you do things from where you can't get out, where you have to shoot someone?" Her face changed into a shocked one.

"What are you saying Brae, I didn't shoot anyone-" I gritted my teeth to control the anger rising in me. I put up my hand to cut her off.

"Don't! Don't lie to me Bri. I have seen the video. I saw you shooting him." Saying this I sat down on the sofa. She made a helpless face and pressed her lips together.

"For God's sake Brae, I didn't- okay you saw me shooting him? Just tell me what did you see in the video?" I looked at her pleading eyes and decided to do as she said. She came and sat down beside me.

"You were there standing opposite to a man and then you suddenly rushed to a chest of drawers and picked up a gun. Pointing it at him, you took an envelope from the desk and shot him before rushing out."

"What the - " Her mouth was hanging open with shock. She shot up out of excitement and started pacing around the room.

"I never shot him. I will tell you what happened." She came and sat down.

"As you know, a few days back I took a part time job at a cafe. The manager has asked me to sign a contract for it. That day whose video you saw, I was called in a smaller office room in the cafe. On entering I saw two men talking to each other. First one gave a gun to the other and from their talks I could make out that the gun was for shooting in the ranches.
The second rough looking man put the gun away in the drawer before the former left the room.

After that he told me that I had to go with him right then and start my job as a stripper at some club. Obviously I refused to believe that I had signed any such contract. He then took out a contract from an envelope and showed me the signature but didn't give me the papers saying that he didn't trust me and he had only the original with him. He convinced me that I was tricked into signing the stripper contract in place of the other one as I didn't read before signing.

I begged him but he wouldn't let me go. So I did what came to my mind. I took that gun out of the drawer and pointed the gun at him. I picked up that envelope but I never pressed the trigger. I walked till the door, keeping the gun pointed at him and once I was out of the door, I threw the gun in and closed the door behind me." There was such a long deafening silence after she completed her story.

Her BetrayalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon