Temporary Vacation

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Besides a few bruises after last night's altercation with the glass. I have packed my bags and Michael was coming too. Under the radar, we have Julius believe that I was traveling to Indiana but to a different part besides Michael going to see his mother in Gary.

Before heading out, Michael left before me and I was stuck with Julius for a minute.

"So, you know that you have to answer my phone calls and I am not fucking playing Kayla." He reached and grabbed my arm, "Do you hear me?!" He said.

I jerked my arm back and he back handed me in my face. He reached and grabbed my hair. "Okay!! I hear you.. let me go, please!" I screamed. He lets go and pulls me up to my feet, slamming me into the door and pressed his hands against my neck.

"You tell anyone about anything.. your so fucking dead!! I would rather bury your stupid ass any fucking way so no nigga can have you bitch!! Now you better answer my phone calls. I know I can't call during the flight but as soon as your ass lands to whatever town.. you call me..!! Got it!!" He said.

With tears in my eyes, I nodded my head. " I'll call you. " I said as the taxi pulls in and beeps the horn, he lets me go and gave me a sloppy kiss. He smacked me on my ass and then he lets me walk out the door. The driver met me but I hurried to put my shades on so there wouldn't be any suspiciousness.

" To the airport sir, I have a flight. " I said as he packed my luggage in the trunk and I sat in the back seat. I looked out the window and Julius was blowing kisses and waving at me. I didn't wave back I turned my head as the driver sped off.

I looked into my pocket book and grabbed my mirror. I took off my shades and looked at my face and neck.

" Why are you still in this Kayla? How in the fuck do I explain this to Michael? " I questioned myself.

The driver almost slammed on the breaks as he turned backwards at the stop light.

" Oh shit!! Ma'am are you okay? Do you need to get to a hospital? " He asked. I shook my head rapidly. " N-no sir. I am fine. I will be fine. It was a mistake." I said and he was uncertain about that answer as he continued to drive off in the early sky to the air port.

I tried my best to cover any of what I could but the driver was going across the bumps, making me get so got damn irritated that I had no choice but to put up the make up, place my shades back on and clutch on to the sweater I was wearing.

Reaching the airport, I wanted to find a bathroom and it didn't take long before I bumped into someone and my shades fell off.

"I'm so sorry sir, I was looking for the-" My heart dropped. I bumped slam into Michael again and this time, his face morphed into anger. I swallowed real hard because I was trying to avoid him just for a moment to get myself in order and it didn't work. I looked down in shame and reached for my glasses. I put them back on and I didn't look at Michael anymore.

"We are going to talk when we get on my jet. Got that!?" He said. I nodded my head slowly as he reached down grabbing my hand and we walked towards the private terminal. I could feel the anger in him because he barely spoke. Every now and then I find him taking a few glances and then he would run his hands in despair across his forehead. I couldn't see him all the way but he wiped eyes under his shades and sniffed a little bit

"This hurts." I thought as the terminal people grabbed our luggage and carried them out and we followed. Walking along the walk way, he placed his hand at the small of my back and guided me on to the jet. I paused in awe as he allowed me inside first and the sight was lovely. Everything looked perfect, gold everything, besides the bathroom, and the bedroom.

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