15. poker against humanity, anyone?

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Chastity provided the cards – again. "Since the only thing we can play with these is cards against humanity..." she looked at Ivy with a knowing smile. "Like last time?"

Ivy's mind had floated into the last time that hopefully Chastity was half referring and nodded. This time, she promised herself, she was going to play it right. Like last time, she tried to shuffle, shocked that she was simply not naturally talented at it. Next to her Chastity all but cackled at the show she was putting for the two of them. She very much enjoyed a laughing Chastity.

"Hush or I'll ask Osun for help," she playfully threatened and Chastity raised her hands in surrender, fighting even more giggles. Despite positively making a full of herself, she was over the moon at the prospect of her making her friend laugh like that. "I think I get to go first this time," she said, cards falling to the ground as she looked at Chastity. "Same rules as before?"

"Same as before."

She picked them up as she took a deep breath. "Okay. All things will end because the sun will explode." She pulled out a card – knight of hearts. Eleven points.

"Not for a thousand years but okay." Chastity said and to this, Ivy childishly poked out her tongue. "Yes, positively threatening." Chasitity then picked out a card as she said, "The world would be better off if women took over."

Ivy shrugged. "I mean, that's obvious. I don't even think you deserve to pick a card for that." Chastity turned the one she had choosen. A five of clubs. "Not your lucky night, is it?"

They played for what felt like hours, coming up with more and more ridiculous scenarios, at some point, the point of the game lost to them as they theorized what the world could truly be if certain things were changed. For a while, the anxiety that had eaten through Ivy, thinking and thinking of the things they could have done together, disappearing to wherever such thoughts disappeared to. It felt like the small pockets of comforting joy they always shared.

"Twenty cards it looks like," Chastity said as thought indicating a much needed break, reaching out for them. She then looked Ivy straight in the eye and said, "The world would be better off if we just fucked."

Ivy was so taken aback by the statement she didn't notice Chastity picking up the rest of the cards and throwing them about. "I guess I win," she said as she pushed passed the coffee table and stood over Ivy, dragging her from her seat.

Ivy's mind was far from understanding what was happening but her body had instinctively taken over, kissing Chastity back with all the longing she had been holding onto. They were like two starving creatures, clutching to the life line of the other.

Her mind caught on soon enough as her hands slid down past Chastity's waist and settled rather aggressively on her ass. She pulled her closer and just like before, she was not close enough. Not even a little and this then made her pull onto her even tighter. Goddamit they were going to be one even if it killed her.

She was in the fabled ninth cloud, dancing about hormonally. This kiss was different from the others. In this one, she did not question whether or not Chastity was craving her as much as she. They were both fighting to be closer, to enjoy each other's bodies. All her fear of loving Chastity too much was lost in her mind abyss and the only thing that was prevalent was unabashed lust. Her insides were wild with desire she had never really tried to explore before – not that she could with the only person who could ignite them. It was this realization that made her sure to milk all her lust for what it was worth.

"Bedroom," she said, her voice deeper, probably even wondering the realm of sultry.

Chastity pulled away and for a moment, Ivy felt naked. She needed to rectify this and so she clutched at her friend's hand, bee-lining as fast as was possible for the bedroom. That ungrateful room on the other hand, seemed to be hiding from them, laughing as it went further and further away from them.

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