Chapter 23

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Lola couldn't understand why her heart was beating so treacherously fast, like the drum and bass in some hip hop song. It was so loud, she could hear it pounding in her ears. 

The room was so silent, she snuck a glance at Julian who was sitting right next to her, their shoulders almost touching and for a brief moment she wondered if he could hear her crazy heart as well. 

His eyes widened when he caught her staring at him in panic and his expression mirrored hers. 

"Do I smell or something?" He asked worriedly before lifting his arms and checking. He then put his hand to his mouth and exhaled. "Is it the smoke? Because I smoked just now?"

He then jumped out of his seat before Lola could utter a word and rushed to the bathroom. She heard the sound of water running and took a deep breath of relief. 

At least he didn't catch her being all nervous in front of him. Why was she nervous anyway? They've literally spent the night together before.

Scoffing to herself, she flipped open her laptop and began looking through Facebook for their list of suspects. 

She found Jeanine, one of the students who worked closely with Tyler and began sifting through her profile. Nothing out of the ordinary caught her attention, so she turned to her pictures. 

Again, nothing really screamed prime suspect to a murder, there were mostly photos of the brunette posing with her football teammates, volunteering in charity drives and carnivals, etc. The girl was a model student, just like Tyler. 

"Anything interesting?" 

Lola whipped around to find a very fresh looking Julian who's black hair was glistening wet and pushed back messily. He smelled so good and he was smiling so widely, it made her heart pound again. 

"Umm, no nothing. I'm looking at Jeanine. Nothing much so far." Lola turned back to her screen, eager to find something to distract her from the way too good looking boy who just took a seat next to her. 

He set up Damien's lap top and his arm brushed against hers slightly. "What are we looking for exactly?" 

"I have no idea," She admitted and the two of them stared at each other helplessly. 

Julian squeezed her shoulder in reassurance, trying his best to look hopeful. "Let's just look around and get to know them through their profiles. I'll look at Red." 

Lola nodded and continued her search through Jeanine's socials, she went through her instagram photos, tik tok videos promoting her drive to clean up the park at west point and then her twitter. Thankfully, there wasn't much to read there. 

There wasn't anything Lola could find on her so she moved on to Max after. Unlike Jeanine, Max had a more active social life. She saw pictures of him at many parties usually hanging around  his field hockey friends. 

There were a few with Tyler and some of their teachers but like Jeanine, nothing really drew her attention.

Lola tried not to feel disheartened but she couldn't help the sinking feeling in her stomach that grew with each passing picture and page. She paused on a picture of Tyler, Max and some older looking guy whom she briefly remembered as a teacher who transferred not too long ago.

He was handsome and she remembered him because he had been a hot topic among st the students when he joined in the beginning of the semester. His time at Oakwood High had been so brief, he barely lasted the year. 

"You remember him?" She pointed out. 

Julian squinted at her screen, his eyebrows bunched together in curiosity. "Nope. I don't know if you remember but I used to skip class. A lot." 

The Bad Boy's Sleepoverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें