Chapter 7: We meet old enemies in new worlds

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Because of the new tutor, I didn't have that much free time anymore, which kind of sucked, since I wasn't learning anything new, that is, until today.

It was a regular lesson with Hellen, she was reviewing my worksheet, when she spoke up,"hey, you're pretty smart, do you wanna move onto more difficult subjects?" She asked

I was a bit confused, but nodded anyway.

"Have you heard about magic?"

To be honest, I did know about magic, since it was a big deal in the game. The heroine was accepted into the academy because she could control the light element, something that hasn't been seen in thousands of years.

"Only a bit" I responded to her question.

"Well, although I doubt you'll unlock your magical potential anytime soon, it's good to prepare you." She said, walking to the chalk board and beginning to lecture"

"You must have heard from your family, that there is mana all around us, it consists of water, fire, earth, air and light mana. Normally someone is adept in controlling one type of mana out of the four: fire, earth, air and water, there hasn't been many people in history that had the power to control the light mana.

I nodded along to the rest of the lecture. It was all things I've already heard before, from my sister, as she tried explaining how rare it was to control light magic, and the many theories she had made up.

Most children figure out their magical capabilities at the ages between 10-13, so it's not something I should be worrying about yet. Actually, the Grendbell family isn't really adept at magic. Alice had a really hard time with magic, and yes, it was another source of jealousy for the heroine, who was strong and could control light mana.

Once the lecture ended, I headed toward the Duke's office, since it was time for our weekly check ups with each other. I was begging to actually enjoy those talks, since I could find out about what's happening in this world, since I don't really go outside the manor.

I walked to the doors, and was about to knock, when I heard a deep voice that I've never heard before inside the room. I put my ear close to the door and listened to the somewhat muffled but audible voices.

"Sorry, to put this on you last minute, Antony. " Wow, addressing my father with his fist name, must be a big shot then.

"It's no problem, I'm sure Alice and Allen would enjoy having another friend." The Duke laughed. Friend? Is there someone visiting? Just then, I leaned a bit too much on the door, causing it to open a bit. Damn these doors, why do they open to the inside.

I decided not to cause any awkward situations and just walk in. I opened the door fully, and what I see, I don't what you would call it. For any normal noble, this is something like a dream, but it seems like a nightmare to me.

In the room, three figures stand. One is my father, the other is a man about the same age as my father, but still having that youthful look to him. His hair ashy blonde, his eyes deep blue, glasses that look like they have been cut in half standing in his sharp nose, the aura around this person is noble and graceful, I wanted to get down on my knees that moment.

The third person in that room was a child, looks the same age as me, standing next to the blonde person. His blue eyes a lot brighter and bigger than, what I presume is his father. Actually, everything about that kid looks a lot brighter than that man, his hair, his clothes, even his aura. He looked like a small golden retriever pup.

To be honest, I didn't need to address these people as 'that man' and 'that kid', i knew who they were, but because I knew who they were that I wanted to rush out that door and disappear into my room. It was the king and the crown prince, the first capture target of the otome game "Marlene Chronicles"

His face was etched into my memory from how much my sister played his route, and all the posters she had of him in our room.

I could practically hear his voice saying "Madam" from how much he says it in the game. But now he seems just like any cute little kid. I was repulsed, but luckily my face didn't move an inch, thank you father, for your genes. But I could see that the Duke sensed my discomfort.

"Ah, this is my son Allen. Allen, say hi to His Majesty and His highness the crown prince, Ceil."

"Hello, Your majesties." I said, bowing and trying to swallow my need to run away.

I made eye contact with the prince, who looked at me with such bright eyes, it made you wish to give all your gold to him right this second, at least I met him now, not when he's older, if i'd have to see that face one more time, I would puke.

"Haha, it seems my son will have a wonderful time here, now, I will leave you here, Ceil. Behave." He tapped his son on the shoulder and left the room.

Moments later, the Duke ushered me and Ceil into my room, and told us to get along.

"So, what do we do here?" He said as I sat on the armchair in my room, a book in hand. God, it seems I actually have to get along with this prince.

Reincarnated as the villainess' brother[COMPLETE]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant