Chapter 67

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Amy returned home the next morning. She walked into the living room and found it empty. There was no sign of her dad in the dining room either, but the maids were setting up the table for breakfast.

'Where is he?' she wondered, slumping down on the couch, as she was too tired to go upstairs.

Normally at this hour, her dad's briefcase is supposed to be on one of the armchair while he eats his breakfast in the dining room. She reached for her phone inside her purse and was about to call her dad, to find out if he already left for work when she heard the sound of laughter. She tore her eyes away from her phone and was shocked to see her dad, Bryan and that Sean guy together. They were all sweating like they just ran a marathon. From their outfit, she could tell they're coming from a morning run.

'What is he doing in her house?'

"Ahem" she exclaimed to attract their attention.

Henry, who was ruffling Sean's hair stopped when he heard the sound. The all turned their attention towards the living room where she was seated. Sean's eyes bulged wide with surprise, like they were about to pop out of their socket on seeing Amy. It looks like luck was definitely on his side.

"Good morning dad, Bryan and..." Amy pretended like she had no idea what his name was.

"You seriously can't remember me?... We met at the office yesterday" Sean said, taking some steps towards Amy.

She mentally face palmed, closing her eyes to control her growing anger. Does this guy seriously think she gives a damn about him? And why does he have to open his big mouth and blow her cover? Now she has to come up with an explanation.

"Really?" Bryan asked confusedly, giving her a questioning look.

He was ignorant of the fact that she wanted to have lunch with him, but was his secretary so forgetful that she didn't inform him of her visit?

"What were you doing at Bryan's office?" Her dad added, to make matters worse.

"I, uh. I dropped by his office to say hi because I haven't seen him since I got back from school a week ago. But, he was in a meeting so I had to leave after waiting for a little while... Didn't your secretary inform you of my visit?" She smoothly lied, staring daggers at Sean.

"No, she didn't" Bryan replied.

"I wanted it to be a surprise that was why I didn't give you a call before coming" she continued, hoping Bryan would get the actual message behind her explanation.

"That means you two have met" Henry said, gesturing between Amy and Sean.

"Not quite... I have no idea who he is" Amy replied with an attitude, causing Sean to chuckle. He's falling harder for her as the seconds go by.

"My bad.. Amy, this is my son, Sean... Sean, this is Amy" Bryan said with a proud smile. There was twinkle in his eyes.

This made Amy instantly feel bad for being rude to his son. She had no idea Sean was Bryan's son because they had nothing in common. Besides, it's been ages since she last saw Sean.

"Wow!" Was all Sean could say. He was amazed at how much Amy had grown and how beautiful she has become.

"No wonder we couldn't recognize each other" he finally said, sitting on the same couch as Amy, keeping only a little distance between them.

Sean's closeness was making Amy uncomfortable. She needs to get out of here.

"Careful, son.. Amy is allergic to sweaty bodies" Bryan informed Sean as he noticed Amy's discomfort.

"I, um.. I'm sorry about yesterday" she apologized in a small voice.

"That was nothing. I'm glad to meet you again... We could, maybe get to know each other on a more intimate level" Sean said the last part in a whisper, causing a blush to rise to Amy's cheeks.

Is he seriously flirting with her in the presence of their fathers?

Henry cleared his throat in order to make Sean realize that he and Bryan were still a part of the conversation.

"I just realized that I haven't unpacked my things" Amy rushed out of their presence without a backward glance.

"What happened yesterday?" She heard her dad ask just as she reached the top of the stairs. Amy didn't wait to hear Sean's reply. She got to her bedroom and locked the door behind her.

They were all seated in the dining room having breakfast, including Amy, who didn't want to join them at first. She doesn't know about anyone else, but this breakfast was awkward for her. Sean was sitting across from her and she swore she could practically feel his burning gaze, making it impossible for her to eat.

Henry, on the other hand was carefully watching Amy and Sean. He noticed how intense Sean was looking at his daughter. There was nothing but pure adoration in his eyes. It was like he wasn't even aware of his surrounding. This led Henry to come up with an idea.

"Amy?.." he started.

"Hmm?" Amy lifted her eyes from her breakfast for the first time since they started eating.

"I was thinking... Since Sean has been away from home for over a decade, why don't you take him on a tour around the city" Henry said with a suggestive eyebrow, leaving Amy astonished.

Is her dad being serious right now? Is he trying to make her Sean's tour guide? This is crazy. Does her dad think just because he has a perfect friendship with Bryan, she and Sean would magically turn buddies? There is no way that is ever going to happen.

She stole a glance at Bryan, to see his countenance, to know what he thinks of her dad's suggestion, if he agrees with his best friend. To her disappointment, Bryan seems unfazed by the whole conversation.

Not him too?! Was he also expecting her to become friends with his son?

"Dad, I'm sure he knows his way around" she eventually replied, to show her lack of interest in the idea.

"Actually, I think I may need a little hand cos everything seems vague to me" Sean decided to join in the conversation.

Amy was about to object, but the look on her dad's face stopped her. He was staring at her like she really had no choice on this one.

Just when she thought her summer break was going to be perfect and fun filled, her dad decides to ruin it for some guy she hardly even remembers.

"Fine" she muttered in defeat, sending a hostile glare Sean's way.

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