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Victoria's POV

I was sitting on the kitchen counter, eating a sandwich Marcus made for me again. It may be stupid, but somehow he made the best ones.

We both started talking and I felt better with him than yesterday. He was talking to me about tv shows and food, and we had a nice conversation.

He even started telling me some silly jokes now, which made me giggle a lot. Marcus was so tall and intimidating, but in reality was a nice person.

A loud noise interrupted us. Ross and Jeff entered the kitchen and my laugh died; they were both agitated and sweaty, as if something really bad had happened. Their clothes were dirty and so were their faces, and they seemed angry.

I looked up at Marcus, and he looked as serious as always, then I understood that something bad was going on.

Ross' expression changed when he saw me. Even in that state, he didn't want to scare me. I gasped when I saw his leg bleeding and rushed to him, just what had he been doing?

"What happened?"

Ross just put a hand on my head, as if it wasn't anything important.

"It's nothing. I'll explain it to you later, okay? Why don't you go upstairs while I take a shower? And then we can watch a movie. Yeah?" Ross said, crouching down a little.

To be honest, this time I really felt like a little girl. Part of me wasn't complaining though, but I knew this was serious, and now he wouldn't tell me anything.

It's not as if I could say something anyway. After all, I've met him just one day ago. But something felt different from him and his brothers, even if I don't really know them. They were all scary and had a lot of people near them, so I imagined they were very important people, but they were also very kind and funny to me. Specially Ross.

I wasn't so sure about Jeff, though. I wanted to talk to him, too, but this wasn't the time.

"But Ross, you're bleeding" I say, pointing at his blood-stained pants.

"It's just a scratch, nothing to worry about. C'mon, I'll be upstairs in no time" he slightly smiled.

Unconvinced, I looked at Marcus again. His expression didn't change too much, but he nodded to me for going to Ross' bedroom.

I gave in and did as he said: I started walking upstairs to wait for him to come. I really needed to take a nap right now, though. Waking up early in the morning and do nothing but watch cartoons was tiring, to be honest.

Anyway, even if Ross told me everything was fine, I couldn't just stay still and be okay with it. I started imagining things about how could he get injured like that, and came with Jeff all dirty and sweaty.

I found it weird actually, and I wasn't sure the Caruso's were making money out of nowhere, and having many scary men working for them, too.

To be honest, this was bothering me.

As I was about to enter the room, I saw Jake and immediately felt relieved. I couldn't find him before, and the situation from a couple minutes ago made me nervous, so it was nice to see him.

"Jake!" I smiled.

"Hey, sweetie. Happy to see me?" He chuckled.

"I've been looking for you before, but you weren't there and I found Marcus instead" I started, not really trying to make a long story. "But then Ross and Jeff came, and Ross had a wound on his leg but he wouldn't tell me why".

Jake sighed and I thought he was going to tell me to go, just like the others did. Instead, he put a hand on my shoulder and said,

"Look, I know we've just met, but... we like you. And Ross does, specially. So you need to trust me when I say he'll be fine, yeah?"

I hesitantly nodded at it, feeling a little betrer.

Then I accidentally yawned. I didn't know I was this sleepy, and wished Jake wouldn't get offended by it, because I actually cared about what he said.

"Uh, sorry..."

He chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"Are you sleepy? Come" was all he said, and then I was following him to another room, and not Ross'.

It was near from his bedroom, and as soon as we entered, I immediately fell in love with it. It was as pretty as Ross' bedroom, and it had a lot of black and white.

His bed was huge, why did these people had such big beds? There were some couches near it, too. Some paintings and, just like Ross, a flat screen in front of his bed, but this one was bigger.

My sleepiness was even more noticeable now, because seeing how neat and organized everything was, I just couldn't help but wanting to sleep here all day.

"Here, get into bed. Wanna watch some cartoons?"

The idea sounded perfect now. I suddenly got excited as I got under the covers, and Jake started turning the TV on.

He didn't get in with me, he just sat on bed and was now looking for some of those kid's shows, finally deciding to put "Clarence". When my head hit his pillow, I felt Jake gently stroking my hair. Not gonna lie, that caught me off guard, but I really loved when people touched my hair. Just like that, I started to slowly doze off.

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