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i enter the school hallways per usual and i can feel a large number of eyes on me and whispers. i look around to find almost everyone whispering and staring at me and most girls giving me disgusted faces.

i shrug it off even though i'm confused as fuck and go to my locker. as i'm searching for my books i feel something get thrown at me, i turn around and it's ashley.

the annoying as fuck cheerleader who is so mean for no reason. what did she throw on me? i look on the floor to where it landed.

a condom?

"what's that for?" i ask confused. "i think it's for you."

she just giggles and stares me up and down and walks away. what is wrong with everyone today? what did i do this time?

"fucking morons." i whisper under my breath and approach mandy and mariam. gigi isn't here yet. they look worried.

"hey guys, what's up with everyone. ashley just threw a condom at me." i say laughing.

they pull me in a hug. "are you okay?"

"what? yes of course i am, why?"

"oh my god, cece!" mariam starts. "there's a rumour going around that josh got you pregnant!"

i widen my eyes, i am beyond shocked. what the fuck! i look at mandy who is nodding nervously.

"and we don't know who started the rumour but we think it's josh!"

no. josh wouldn't do that. i've known him long enough to know that he isn't an asshole. he's not that stupid to publicly humiliate me this much. right?

then again, i was once samuel o'connells best friend so you can't really trust anyone. i want to cry. i want to ball my eyes out right here, right now. why? what did i do to deserve all the shit?

this school and town is fucked and i can't wait to go to college so i can start a new life, away from summer heights, away from my waste of sperm father.

"josh wouldn't do that." i say with my eyes tearing. "would he?"

just as i was going to say something else someone taps me on the shoulder,"cece."

i turn around, it's josh.

"asshole. go die." i tell him barely a whisper. "everyone's so fucked." i mutter and storm away as he follows me.

"no no no, cece!" he calls desperately. "i swear i did not do this!"

a crowd of people surround us all staring at us. mind your business.

"so it's true?" a random girl asks. what?

i turn to her. "fucking pathetic. you all are fucking losers. everyone."

as soon as i try to push through the crowd i see a smirking samuel snickering with his friends. i can't control myself anymore.

it was him.

he did it! not josh. how dumb could i be?!

i approach him with nothing but hatred in me and he can see it.

i put my hands on his shoulders and quickly kneel him in the place where the sun don't shine.

"literally die! get a life and stop obsessing over mine!" i snap at him as he is clearly struggling and whining.

"you fucking bitch!" he mutters trying to catch his breath. now the crowd has surrounded us. "you're going to regret ever doing that."

i pout my lips pretending to be scared and sad. "i am not scared of you. just leave me alone, get the fuck out of my life!" i yell at him and slap him in the face.

he's just wincing as he takes the hits. everyone is shocked. i probably look like a crazy ex-girlfriend.

"what the fuck did i do?!" he says which makes me laugh and go back to smiling.

"the question is, what didn't you do, samuel o'connell." i correct him and slap him in the face again.

this feels nice. i've always wanted to hurt him physically, i've hurt him a total of 3 times just in a span of one minute. i'm trying to get it up to 5 before the principal comes which i know is soon so i might as well just do all the damage now.

i try to slap him again but he grabs my wrist and presses hard. i can feel my blood circulation slowly stop. okay that's abit dramatic but he's hurting me. it's hypocritical but i know that my slaps didn't do any damage to him.

"stop!" i say trying to escape his grip but he tightens his grip on my wrist harder. everyone can see i'm in pain but no one interferes knowing that any one who tries to step in will get it from samuel. "fucking stop it! you're hurting me!"

he doesn't stop. he looks me dead in the eyes as he tightens his grip more. my fucking hand is going to fall off. i kneel him again which causes him to let go of his grip of my hand.


"don't put your hands on me. ever. again." i threaten.

"oh yeah?" he smirks trying to sound cocky in this situation. fucking moron.

"what is happening here?!" principal lincoln yells as he pushes through the crowd seeing me holding my wrist in pain and samuel holding his dick in pain. "MS ADAMS AND MR O'CONNELL TO MY OFFICE NOW! AND THE REST OF YOU LOT GET TO CLASS IMMEDIATELY UNLESS YOU WANT TO JOIN THESE 2!"

i look at mandy, mariam and gigi as they are all shocked with widen eyes. i then give an apologetic smile to josh and he nods.

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