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The room is spinning.

"You're... You're gay?" My mother's words stumble out.

I reach out blindly seeking the hand of my lover for comfort. She clasps it quickly, embracing my hand in hers.

"Are you sure this isn't just a phase?" My dad pushes on.

"No it's not," I smile hoping they will return it. "I really do love her." They don't move a muscle.

"Are you positive?" My mother nags. "You know how this isn't right-"

"Why have you got to interrogate me like this!" I exclaim.

They go silent again. I can feel my heartbeat echo throughout the room, which suddenly feels empty as I do.

"Emma, how could you do this to us? After everything we've put up with and everything your father and I have done for you-"

"Your opinion isn't going to change the way I feel about her!" I cry out desperately.

There is a brief pause before my mother speaks again. The air is thick with hostility.

"Bethany, you need to leave right now and Emma... just go to your room."

I start to turn towards the front door to follow my lover. I can't bear to let go of her hand.

"No. Go to your room." My Dad commands through tight teeth.

We reluctantly disconnect and without a second look I dart up the stairs. When I reach the top, I hear the front door slam.

Bang. I slam my bedroom door.

I collapse onto my bed.

A corpse of myself. Dead.

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