20. A Weak Bunny

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Other cultivators are taking test at the same time. Yin Mo recognizes them as bullies from his old Sect.

Those bullies sneer when they see him. They used to bully him for years. Back then, Yin Mo was too frail and weak to retaliate against them.

Yin Mo focuses his mind and begins refining his pills.

First stage, Dan (Rank) 1 completed.

Second stage, Dan 2 completed.

The bullies failed and have to leave the spot. They stare Yin Mo with a grudge.

Yin Mo focuses his mind and continues refining the pills. Making sure to lessen the impurities. Pill grade is higher when it is almost pure.

He exhales when he passed the third stage Dan.

The examiner nods at him and smiles. The boy is a promising alchemist. He is still young and already Dan 3.

He makes a gesture for Yin Mo to collect the pills he has refined. Yin Mo bends his body slightly and cupped his hands to salute the examiner.

After he goes out, the bullies surround him. They are trying to rob his pills.

The guards only watch but not interfere. It okay to fight as long one doesn't destroy the facility in the Hall.

What happened in the street isn't their responsibility.

Yin Mo sneers. He isn't the old him anymore.

There is no system here. Gu Xian doesn't know about the plot anymore. This is the part where Yin Mo nearly got raped in old plot.

Gu Xian is busy refining items required to achieve the rank.

Passed stage one easily.

Passed the next two stages without any problems.

Gu Xian refines more carefully when making the fourth item.

Outside, Yin Mo is busy punching and kicking the bullies.

Gu Xian is right. Flashy moves are useless in close range combat.

Aim to kill. Attack weakest human body parts.

Fifteen minutes later, five bullies are groaning on the floor. Yin Mo steps on the leader of bullies.

"Please spare me, Yin Mo. We came from the same sect..."

"Compensate me. How much did you rob me in the past?"

"Here! All my money!"

Other cultivators give all their money before Yin Mo releases them. They immediately runaway from the spot.

Yin Mo waits outside the Craftsman Hall. Gu Xian kept him waiting. Hope he could pass the trial soon.

He yawns and waits in boredom.

The guards are staring him as if seeing an exotic beast. Wondering how a frail looking teen boy is very strong.

Five hours later Gu Xian leaves in sorry looking state. His robe got slightly burned. His handsome face got soot.

Yin Mo looks shocked. He uses his sleeve to wipe the soot.

He asks, "Big brother, did you fail?"

"Yeah. The fifth item exploded. I blew it. My heart ached..."

One mid grade spirit stone just vanished. It's 1,000 inferior spirit stone. Goodbye, my money...

Yin Mo caresses Gu Xian's chest as if soothing his heart.

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