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my arms slip around wilbur's back as i lay on his chest, face first. he runs his fingers through my hair as i caress his back. my head drops farther into his chest, a thick pillow for me to lay on.

"thank you," my wet hair soaks into wilburs shirt, my white t-shirt now smear through, "for- saving me i guess."

"no problem clementine," he smiles, my lips are still a bit blue, and i have a nasty cough, which i let loose. he hesitated before putting his hand back onto my thigh, feeling my cold skin.

his hands were warm, very very warm.

he hums a song from nirvana, and i hear people walk by the door. my phone goes off, and i answer it.

"clementine adair. are you alive," blythes voice spills from the phone, no hint of worry in their voice, i look up at wilbur.

"yes blythe, fuck off," i roll my eyes as wilbur hums in agreement.

"oh seriously?? wilbur are you a necrophiliac? ewww," they hang up the phone, and i laugh.

"seriously? they think i'm a necrophiliac now?" he groans, and let's put a light chuckle, which vibrates through his chest.

"i guess," a smile joins my face, lightly turning up the corner of my mouth, "wanna test it out?"

"didn't you just die?" wilbur smiles flipping me on top off him, planting kisses on my pale cold skin. my lips warm up against him, as he hungrily kisses my lips.

he works his way down to my neck, leaving makes just out of view, and then ones in view, for good measure.

i moan lightly as he fumbles with my bra strap, eventually getting it off enough. he continues to give me hickeys, all the way down, to. well, miss keisha.

we finally release as my phone starts to ring again, i pick it up, still in a state of pleasure.

"clementine speaking," a shock hits me, as i feel something leave me.

"tomorrow morning, mcdonald's," wilbur hasn't seen to have heard me, as he sits in a somewhat shaking pleasure.

"okay," i hang up, and fall onto wilbur, tossing my phone aside, as i continue where we left off.

i hear someone screaming my name muffled as wil finally finishes. i look around frantically and see i'm still in the phone with schlatt. he's heard everything. i hang up, and check my recent calls. i've probably called him 49 times.

every time he hung up, it recalled him. he heard. everything.


continuation with some smut bc i'm bored

continuation with some smut bc i'm bored

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