Annie's online

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So hey guys im new here. this first story id like to share is based off of a viral story called “Annie96 is typing…” that was spread on twitter some years ago. i loved the concept, and decided to create my own version.
basically the original storys premise is you never really know who you are talking to online. even if its a close friend you never can be sure. i took his idea, and made it my own only using the character name. i hope you enjoy. please leave feedback. 🙂

you can find the link to it here….

Annie96 is typing…

also the original writers name is Pascal Chatterjee.


on a dark and stormy night you find 16 year old zach in his room on his laptop. you quickly see he has an infatuation with his best friend Annie. They both end up having a very revealing conversation online that unravels the very dangers of anonymity on the internet.


Annie’s Online

Zach strained his eyes as he glared at his laptop. The soft glow illuminates his room emitting a soft atmosphere. He yawns and stretches his arms. He looks up at the clock and notices it’s 9:30 at night. “s**t” he says. “I’ve been at this for two hours now”.

His deadline is Monday and he has no passion for creative writing. Why he decided to take this elective is beyond him. It seemed like an easy out at first. His goal was to add filler to his schedule not to add one more frustrating class in his life.

Take creative writing. It’ll be good for you. He replays his mom saying this to him over and over in his head. She was wrong. He never had a creative bone in his body. “just push through this” he says to himself. “just one more stupid story, and you are done with this mess”

Zach stands up from his computer chair and stretches his legs. He glances around his bedroom to waste time. Surveying his own room as if he’d find something worth looking at. For 16 his room is rather bare. No posters of bands on his walls. Only paint. Across his door ls a dusty bookshelf lined with old storybooks from his childhood. Long forgotten tales of dragons, and knights.

He smirks. Long gone are the days of such childish tales. Still though he keeps them there as some sort of trophy from his past. A reminder of a more simple time where the stress from academics and girls didn’t exist. He remembers his mother’s warm voice reading from these books. A common routine before bed at night. Although he doesn’t admit it he misses this.

To the right of his bookshelf is a wooden desk. Nothing out of the ordinary. Topped with papers, and books he never intends on reading. A lack of organization is apparent. On the left a lamp. Directly across from it a cheap picture frame with a old picture inside of him and his best friend Annie. They are both smiling. Annie’s long blonde hair neatly placed into a ponytail. Her bangs brush her eyebrows. She’s beautiful. He’s always thought this.

It was at the fair. His best friend Matt insisted on taking the picture. He was against it because then he’d have to smile. Smiling made Zach uncomfortable. It never felt natural to pose for pictures. This is obvious in the photograph. As beautiful as Annie is Zach felt quite the opposite. His lanky frame and pale skin stood out. Unlike Annie’s bright vibrant hair Zach’s was the opposite. A dull short brown constantly shaved down into a fade to hide his curls and cowlicks.

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