Chapter 21

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I lay there on the cold ground, my head hurting like never before.

Goddamn. I wince as I try to focus and adjust to my surroundings. I am still at the playground. I wonder what time it is. I try to see if anything remained of my phone but hiss instead as a sharp pain flares through my hand.

I feel really silly now, having left without informing anyone of where I am. My mind is racing a million miles per hour.

I have no idea what just happened. Who were those two people? Why did they attack me? What was Hayden trying to protect me from? Why do I need saving and most importantly was it absolutely necessary for them to squash my hand?

I would've felt just as threatened and scared without the useless digging-my-ridiculously-sharp-heels-right-into-Avery's-hands, I think angrily.

I wince as I try to get up. Shit. They messed me up real bad.

Everywhere hurts. I blink hard a couple of times, trying to restore my groggy vision. I limp my way out of this playground, my memories from this place now being ruined forever.

When I think of this place, I will no longer think of happy memories with dad and Olivia. All I'd be able to recollect will be being attacked.

I feel dizzy barely making it out of the park. I blink harder and force myself to focus. I can pass out all I want once I am safely back in my room.

I go for a shortcut, to the main-city. Albeit deserted, I'll have to walk significantly lesser before I can reach the nearest bus-stop.

Come on Aves, you can do this; I think to myself as I limp through the darkened alleyways. The last time I found myself in a remotely dark place I was attacked, threatened, beaten up and eventually passed out.
That was less than 2 hours ago.
Now I am back in remotely isolated area and I am not sure I can withstand a repetition of the earlier events.

As shocking as it may seem, I would've actually preferred my evening without any of the useless bs.

My hand is still bleeding a little bit and my feet hurts like shit. Every breath I take physically hurts my stomach and chest due to being kicked down several times.

Assholes. Couldn't they have just twisted my arm or something?

That would've been simple, seemingly harmless AND would've served their purpose just as much! A complete win-win situation.
Stupid accented people with their stupid ideas and their stupid terrifying threats.

As I walk further past the alleyways and limp forwards I can't help but think of the whole ordeal all over again. This shit is so messed up. And yet somehow, somehow it is all connected to my wedding into the Knight empire.

I knew the waters were darker than it seemed. I had suspected that long ago. But to be attacked while being alone and defenseless AND being threatened over something I literally have zero idea of was another level of blasphemy.

Whatever is going on, I have to find out. I can't help the tear that falls down my face as I deep how grave and severe this situation had become for me.

I'd barely just thought of that when the headlights of a sleek black car blind me.

Terrified, I limp backwards hurriedly as the car comes and stops right next to me.

God no, please no. No more attacks for the night God please.

Limping desperately backwards I loose my balance, and my breath hitches in my chest as I land straight on the road. Whoever, was driving the car gets out from the other side, and I let go of even trying to stand up, as I use my legs to shift myself backwards as fast as I can.

My whole body shakes with fear, and terror makes itself known in my chest as I seem to not be able to breathe.

Black Louis Vuitton shoes stop in front of me and I tremble even more. They're here. I couldn't run away. God knows what they will do with me this time. My vision becomes spotty and my consciousness slips away rapidly.

All attempts of staying cool and keeping myself calm is thrown out the window as my whole system goes into overdrive.

My body shuts itself down on its own accord not wanting to witness another attack. Exhaustion and fear lace my eyes and I barely hear someone calling out my name.

I try to look up but my head hurts way too much and I try to focus on their face as they crouch down in front of me, but I am too far gone.

My vision darkens and my eyes roll at the back of my head and all I can register before passing out for the second time within the same night is a very distinct cologne of pinewood and luxury entering my nostrils and a familiar warmth flares into my body at the sensation of being held closely and being embraced.



Hope you're all doing amazing and kick-ass!
Here's a little filler chapter to compensate for the wait ;))

I appreciate all your messages in my inbox so very much and a million thanks for being so patient with me. I know I dont have that big of an audience as I would like to have but those few of you who wait for my chapters, vote and comment ALWAYS make my day, so if you're reading this and you're one of them then THANK YOU and here's me sending a bucket-full of love your way!

ANYWAYS, who do you think came to rescue Avery here and is hugging her as well?? (our man Hayds really is the cutest! *insert dreamy lovesick eyes here*)

What do you think the big mystery is all about and what do you think happens next?

The next chapter is going to be so crucial and exciting so I hope you can make-do with this little filler chapter for today!!

Please please please vote and comment and spread the word!

With love

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