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A year later

I watched as Adaline ran around in the backyard, a huge grin on her face. Lucian's son chased her, a smile on his face too. I walked back into the house, walking over to Demitri who was coloring a Disney princess for his sister. I crouched down beside him, looking at what he was doing. He glanced at me, before going back to coloring.

"What princess are you coloring?" I whispered.

"The one from Tangled." I nod, before pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Yo, Maeve!" Someone yells, from the kitchen. I then heard a slap, making me roll my eyes. I walked towards the kitchen going in.

"What Cassian?" I ask, curious.

"What happened to that amazing dish I told you that I was going to eat?" He asks, looking in the fridge.

"Oh, you wanted that?" Axel says, looking at him.

"Did I want that? yes, I asked-"

"I didn't tell anybody that you wanted it, Cass. I'll make some up for you tomorrow when I get around to it." He nods, shutting the fridge door.

"Where's my brother at?" He asks, looking around.

"Grilling with Damien. Go outside and make yourself useful, yeah?" Angel says, rolling her eyes. Just then did we hear a baby cry. Angel sighs.

"I'll go get her for you, Angel." I whispered. She looked at me.

"You don't have to-"

"No, I want to. I haven't spent much time with my little niece." I whispered. She nods. I turned on my heel, walking over to the stairs. I walked down the hallway, until I reached the bedroom that Angel put Delilah in. I walked in, going over to her crib. I picked her up and she immediately smiled at me. Giggles escaped her mouth when I started to make funny faces at her. Someone wrapped their arms around my waist, setting their head on my shoulder. I leaned against Killian, still making faces at Delilah.

"Can't believe a year ago today she was born." Killian whispers, poking her little button nose.

"Don't remind me. I'm getting old."

"I don't think you are. You are only 18 and some months. You're 19th birthday is coming up soon. I hardly say that's old."

We stayed rooted in our place until Matt came in with Julian and Atticus a few minutes later. We looked at them.

"Oh thank God, Angel thought you two were having sex with the baby in the room." Atticus says, coming over to us.

"Why would she think that?" Killian asks, looking at me then at them.

"Who knows." Julian mumbles, shrugging his shoulders.

"So, when are you two planning on having a baby?" Matt asks, curiously.

"Not any time soon. When are you three going to settle down and have a kid?"

"Well, I have a kid." Axel says, coming into the room. "So I'm not apart of this little club. Sebastian and Vanessa don't even want kids. Vanessa would rather have a dog as a kid than a human child."

"I don't blame her." Atticus says, looking at us. "Shit, taking care of an animal is a lot better than taking care of a human child. You have to be in it mentally, physically and emotionally."

"Plus, an animal is a lot easier than a kid. You have to feed the dog at least 2 times a day. In the morning and at night. Then just take it out on walks or if you have a backyard, let it run around some." Julian says, crossing his arms.

"Now, no offense Maeve, but I would rather have a cat who hates my guts than a kid. That's just me." I shrug.

"It's fine. I don't blame you."

"How's Anna doing? I keep forgetting to ask." Matt asks, looking at me.

"She's doing good. She's around here somewhere."

"Excited for the school year to start?"

"Oh God no. She hates school. Demitri is also not excited either. Adaline is happy that she gets to stay home."

"How are they all doing?"

"Good. They all get along great."

"That's good." It got quiet for a second.

"We should probably downstairs before Angel starts to yell." Axel says, shivering in fear. I rolled my eyes, following them out with Killian. He pressed a kiss to my temple, before leaning his head against my head.

"I love you." he whispers.

"I love you, Killian." I whispered, looking at him. He lifted his head up when we were about to walk down the stairs so he didn't fall.


Everybody went home a few hours ago. It was nice catching up and having a good time. It felt like we haven't done that in forever.

I was sad that I didn't see Bethany. her parents were in town so she stayed back, visiting with them. I also didn't see Ryder or Belle. Ryder was busy over in Italy with the mafia and all of that business. Belle had studies to worry about but me and her are going to meet for coffee next week.

It was nice seeing everybody today. We're usually all busy with either kids, work, or other things so we usually can't see each other during the week or weekends sometimes. We try having dinner every other week and we usually have never missed one. If we did it was either because someone was sick or something like that.

"Baby?" Killian whispers, interrupting my thoughts. I looked over at him. "You okay?"

"I'm alright." I whispered, cuddling into his side. "It was nice seeing everyone today."

"It was, wasn't it?" We sat in silence, just enjoying each other's presence. I took a sip of my drink that was in my hand, enjoying the sounds of nature. After a few minutes or so, the sky opened up and started to pour. we were under an awning so we weren't getting wet or anything. We had a few droplets but nothing major.

I had a bright idea and sprang to my feet. I set my drink down on the table before walking over to the edge of the concrete. Killian slowly followed, wanting to see what my actions were. When he got to where I was standing at, I grabbed his hand, pulling him into the rain. We were wet instantly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, while his went around my waist, pulling me into him more. I smiled at him.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you more beautiful." He whispers, twirling me around. I laughed, a huge smile on my face now. "So beautiful. All mine too."

"All yours." I whispered, smashing my lips on his.


late update. I apologize.

Have a good day or night!

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*Not Edited*

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